Images ~ After the Fire
At the fire scene:
At the State Armory (morgue):
Circus workers and performers begin rebuilding equipment upon their return to RBBB winter headquarters in Sarasota, Florida, two weeks after the circus fire.
The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus first performance after rebuilding from the fire was at the Rubber Bowl in Akron, Ohio on August 4th. Images below show the workers setting up for the show.
July, 1959 AP Newsfeatures photo: At top is photo taken just after the disastrous July 6, 1944 Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Bailey circus at Hartford, Conn. Below is a recent photo of the same area. The numbered areas show [1] where the big top stood, [2] the entry from Barbour Street, [3] a stone works, and [4] new apartment buildings.