#1503 (unidentified)
Body #1503 was found dead at the circus grounds after the fire on July 6, taken to the State Armory and then to the Hartford Hospital morgue where positive identification was never made. #1503 was prepared by Talarski Funeral Home for burial at Northwood Cemetery in Wilson, Connecticut, on July 10.
Descriptive features of #1503 include: female, approximately 9 years old, probably white; 3'-11" height, weight approximately 55 pounds, slender build; light brown hair with red glow; badly burned, 3rd and 4th degree burns, feet and hands missing, skull cap off. Dental examination of #1503 shows that upper and lower permanent incisors and first molars are present; all baby molars are present, with fillings in the four baby second molars; no other fillings.
Descriptive features of #1503 include: female, approximately 9 years old, probably white; 3'-11" height, weight approximately 55 pounds, slender build; light brown hair with red glow; badly burned, 3rd and 4th degree burns, feet and hands missing, skull cap off. Dental examination of #1503 shows that upper and lower permanent incisors and first molars are present; all baby molars are present, with fillings in the four baby second molars; no other fillings.