Anna Albina (Staskavich) Dillus, age 36
Mrs. Anna Albina (Staskavich) Dillus of 25 Boswell Road, West Hartford, was born January 27, 1908 in East Windsor, Connecticut, daughter of Lithuanian born parents Anna (Viniskus) and William Staskavich. Anna and her daughter Loretta, 7, were found dead at the circus grounds after the fire on July 6 and were buried at St. Catherine's Cemetery in Broad Brook, Connecticut after services at the home of Anna's mother, Mrs. Anna (Viniskus) Staskavich Ambrose. Mrs. Dillus leaves her husband George P. Dillus, 45; her mother Mrs. Anna Ambrose, 64, of Windsorville; her three sisters Miss Veronica Staskavich, 27, of West Hartford; Mrs. Ardell Titus, 32, of Broad Brook; and Mrs. Irene Kukevich, 21, of Rockville; and her brother, Anthony Staskavich, 34, of Hartford.
Body #1577 was identified at the State Armory as Anna Dillus on July 7 by her dentist. Anna's estate was awarded $8,500 by the arbitration board. Anna and her daughter attended the circus with neighbor Ethel Derby, her son William Jr. and her daughter Carolyn, who was also a victim of the fire.
Body #1577 was identified at the State Armory as Anna Dillus on July 7 by her dentist. Anna's estate was awarded $8,500 by the arbitration board. Anna and her daughter attended the circus with neighbor Ethel Derby, her son William Jr. and her daughter Carolyn, who was also a victim of the fire.