Edith Wickham Budrick, age 9
Miss Edith Wickham Budrick of 551 Hills Street, Hartford, was born July 29, 1934 in Manchester, daughter of East Hartford native Edith May (Wickham) and Lituanian born Joseph Charles Budrick. She was found severely injured at the circus grounds after the fire on July 6 and immediately admitted to Municpal Hospital with deep third and fourth degree burns to 35% of her body surface and in profound shock. Edith was treated with morphine and plasma and retained consciousness for a few hours until her condition worsened and she succumbed at 8pm that evening.
Miss Budrick leaves her father Joseph. Her mother Mrs. Edith Budrick, 38, and her brother Joseph Jr., 7, were also victims of the circus fire, as well as her aunt Viola Locke, 40, and cousin Elaine Locke, 6. Services were held for all of them at the Watkins Funeral Home in Manchester, and Miss Budrick was buried at East Cemetery in Manchester. Her estate was awarded $7,000 by the arbitration board.
Miss Budrick leaves her father Joseph. Her mother Mrs. Edith Budrick, 38, and her brother Joseph Jr., 7, were also victims of the circus fire, as well as her aunt Viola Locke, 40, and cousin Elaine Locke, 6. Services were held for all of them at the Watkins Funeral Home in Manchester, and Miss Budrick was buried at East Cemetery in Manchester. Her estate was awarded $7,000 by the arbitration board.