Elaine Ida Locke, age 6
Miss Elaine Ida Locke of 579 Hills Street, East Hartford, was born May 25, 1938 in Manchester, daughter of Viola Ann (Wickham) and Frank W. Locke. She was found dead at the circus grounds with her mother, Viola Locke, after the fire on July 6 and both were buried at East Cemetery in Manchester after services at the Watkins Funeral Home. Elaine's cousins Edith Budrick, 9, and Joseph C. Budrick Jr., 7, were also victims of the fire and her aunt Edith May Budrick was presumed to have died in the fire, though her body was never identified. Miss Locke leaves her father Frank Locke, and her brother Lawrence, 14, who attended the circus with the group but was able to escape.
Body #1535 was identified as Elaine Locke at the State Armory by her uncle Herbert Wickham on July 7. Elaine had just completed kindergarten and was ready to enter first grade in the fall. Her estate was awarded $6,500 by the arbitration board.
Body #1535 was identified as Elaine Locke at the State Armory by her uncle Herbert Wickham on July 7. Elaine had just completed kindergarten and was ready to enter first grade in the fall. Her estate was awarded $6,500 by the arbitration board.