Survivor List
(last names beginning with "R")
Thousands of circus fans attended the afternoon show on July 6, 1944, and many were fortunate enough to survive the blaze. Here are the names of some of the survivors, also including names of persons who helped or are otherwise associated with the Hartford circus fire.
Names sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the page can also be used to search the entire website for a specific name or term.
Names sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the page can also be used to search the entire website for a specific name or term.
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Rackliffe, Marcia Ann (14); 1125 Main St, East Hartford
- Marcia went to the circus with her brother's fiancé's mother, Helen Koob, and her son B. Herbert, Jr.. When Marcia saw the fire, she went to the top of the seats and jumped down, landing on her buttocks. She was able to get up and run out of the burning tent. She looked for the people she came with, but they wouldn't be found until the next day, at the morgue. Miss Rackliffe was awarded $2,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including a broken spine (permanent injury) and a nervous condition.
Raff, Marion B.; Glastonbury
- Accepted $175 as settlement with RBBB for minor injuries received as a result of the fire.THC
Ramsdell, Edson (60's); Hartford
- Attended the circus with his grandchildren Edson John Middleton, Maryellen Middleton, and Joseph Middleton II, and their father Joseph Middleton. Everyone in the party escaped.
Rath, Anna (51); Mill (or Mills) St, Glastonbury
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with leg injury, Friday night 7/7/44.THC
- At St. Francis Hospital with a fractured left leg.THC
- Was awarded $2,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
- Still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
- Possibly same person as "Annie Rather"
Rather, Annie (52); Glastonbury
- "Annie Rather" listed as injured.SDN
- Probably same person as "Anna Rath"
Read, Kenneth (adult)
- Worked for Sealtest in Hartford; when he heard about the circus fire, he got a company truck and went to help take bodies to the morgue.CFM
Reader, James (12)
- James would help the circus set-up in exchange for free tickets. He attended the circus with his younger brother Pete and their cousin Punky. When he saw the flames across the arena, they grabbed Punky and slid down the back of the bleachers and under the canvas sidewall to safety.CFM
Reardon, Carl (15); 42 Earle St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with Robert Monahan. They sat in the bleachers to the right of the main entrance, top row, near the reserved section. Turned around to his right and saw the roof above their heads was on fire. The sidewall at top was burning too. Carl climbed over the top of the sidewall and dropped to the ground.WS
Reid, Mrs. Frances B. (40); Hartford
- Attended the circus with her nephew Vincent Yannone, and they sat in the southwest bleachers, third row, next to the reserved seating section. When Frances saw the fire about 15 feet to her left, she took Vincent's hand and they used the main entrance to exit the big top.
- Mrs. Reid's nephew Vincent tells his story in the June 1999 Yankee Magazine which can be read here.

Reilly, Charles Nelson (13)
- Attended the circus with his friend Donald Baggish.
- Charles Nelson Reilly on Theater Talk, April 18, 1997, briefly discussing the fire:
- The Life of Reilly is a 90 minute program featuring Charles Nelson Reilly telling stories and anecdotes to an audience, including his experience at the circus fire. Copies available for purchase at Here's a clip of the circus fire part:
Renaud, Loretta (7)
- Loretta, Howard and a cousin went to the circus, all escaped with their lives. Loretta is married and now resides in Florida.
Renaud, Howard (13)
- Loretta, Howard and a cousin went to the circus, all escaped with their lives. Howard has since passed away.
Rewinkel, Mrs. Helen T. (52); 40 Hickory St , Meriden
- Was awarded $4,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns to her head, arms, and shoulders, bruises and cuts to her legs, arms, and back, and nervous shock. Mrs. Rewinkel suffered some of her injuries when she fell to the ground and was stepped on by several people.
Rewinkel, Frank P. (53); 40 Hickory St, Meriden
- Awarded $750 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns to his ear and forehead, bruises to his body and legs, and shock.
Reynolds, Mrs. Margaret (58); 127 Campfield Ave, Hartford
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with burns, Friday night, 7/7/44.THC
- Still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $15,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including third degree burns to the top of his head, back, arms, and legs which resulted in Bright's Disease due to damaged kidneys.
Richi, Mrs. Bertha K. (38); 23 Whitmore St, Hartford
- Mrs. Richi was thrown to the ground during the stampede at the circus fire, and suffered burns to her face and right hand, as well as extreme nervous indigestion and headaches following the tragedy. She was treated at Hartford Hospital for 12 days, and was awarded $4,000 by the arbitration board for her injuries. Bertha was married, had a teenage daughter, and worked as a hairdresser.
Richter, Jerry (10); West Corrnwall, Conn.
- Attended the circus with his aunt Agnes Shurtleff. They sat half-way up the bleachers by the main entrance and ran out of the big top when they noticed the smoke.
- Read Jerry's story here: Personal Accounts Page 9
Rickes, Clara Lucille; Vernon/Rockville area
- aka Lutton, Clara
- Went to circus with her sister Mary Darico, niece Beverly Darico, and two Kabrick boys. All survived.CFR
- Circus fire survivor passed away on August 17, 2001 at age 82. [obituary]
Ripple, Elmer W.; 354 Arch St, New Britain
- Was awarded $4,500 (amended from $4,200) by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Robarge, Mrs. Mary V.; Fall River, Mass.
- Was awarded $1,750 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Roberts, Carlton C. (2 1/2); Riverton Rd, Winsted
- Showing improvement at St. Francis Hospital, July 8.
- Attended the circus with his mother Elizabeth Greenlaw Roberts who was killed in the fire, and his father Theodore Roberts and sisters Theodora and Judith who all survived. Carlton was being treated at Hartford Hospital, then moved to St. Francis Hospital on July 7th.THT
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with burns, Friday night, 7/7/44.THC
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Roberts, Gilbert A.; 5 Stillwell Dr, Plainville
- Was awarded $3,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Roberts, Judith R. (5); Riverton Rd, Winsted
- The least injured of the Roberts' children, as of July 8 Judith is being cared for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roraback, neighbors.THC
- Attended the circus with her mother Elizabeth Greenlaw Roberts who was killed in the fire, and her father Theodore Roberts and siblings Theodora and Carlton who all survived. Judith was being treated at Hartford Hospital, then moved to Litchfield County Hospital and subsequently released on July 7th.THT
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Roberts, Mrs. Lola; 5 Stillwell Dr, Plainville
- Was awarded $3,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Roberts, Theodora (7), Riverton Rd, Winsted
- A health condition was seriously aggravated by the shock of the fire and unaccustomed feeding after she became separated from her parents. As of July 8, she is at Litchfield County Hospital with her right leg and left arm in casts, and her sugar count rose sharply.THC
- Attended the circus with her mother Elizabeth Greenlaw Roberts who was killed in the fire, and her father Theodore Roberts and siblings Judith and Carlton who all survived. Theodora was being treated at Hartford Hospital, then moved to Litchfield County Hospital on July 7th.THT
Roberts, Theodore (adult), Riverton Rd, Winsted
- Showing improvement at Hartford Hospital on Saturday, July 8. Has not been informed of his wife's death, per order of the attending physician.THC
- Attended the circus with his wife Elizabeth Greenlaw Roberts who was killed in the fire, and their children Theodora, Judith and Carlton who all survived. Theodore suffered burns at the circus fire, and as of July 7th he was being treated at Hartford Hospital.THT
- Theodore F. Roberts, Riverton Rd, Winsted, was awarded $8,750 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
- Theodore W. Roberts, Riverton Rd, Winsted, was awarded $22,129.98 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
- [one of these awards is probably for Theodora]
Robin, Mrs. Dora (62); 1994 Main St, Hartford
- Was awarded $4,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including contusions and abrasions to her arm and knees, lower back sprain, and shock to nervous system.
Rock, Charles Michael (2); 118 Central Ave., East Hartford
- Attended the circus with his mother, Elena. Both survived.
- Born 4/25/42, currently living in Santa Clara County, California.
Rock, Elena Nicoletta (20); 118 Central Ave., East Hartford
- Attended the circus with her son, Charles. Both survived.
- Mrs. Rock (9/13/23 - 9/13/03) is buried in East Hartford.
Rockwood, Mrs. Florence E.; 75 Union St, Manchester
- Was awarded $500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC

Rogers, Catherine, (11); East Hartford
- Attended the circus with her parents, Harold and Katherine Rogers, and her cousin Doris Smith. Everyone in the party escaped. Catherine's account of the day can be read here: Personal Accounts - Page 9.
- Catherine Rogers Adams "Cay", age 86, died on the 20th of March 2019. Link to obituary / back-up link.
Rogers, Harold George (adult); East Hartford
- Attended the circus with his wife Katherine, their daughter Catherine, and their niece Doris Smith. Everyone in the party escaped. Catherine's account of the day can be read here: Personal Accounts - Page 9.
Rogers, Katherine Hayes (adult); East Hartford
- Attended the circus with her husband Harold Rogers, their daughter Catherine, and their niece Doris Smith. Everyone in the party escaped. Catherine's account of the day can be read here: Personal Accounts - Page 9.
Rogers, Rita Lillian (22); Medford, Mass.
- Rita was a Red Cross disaster nurse who cared for circus fire burn victims.
- Mrs. Rita (Rogers) Troutman passed away in August, 2022. Link to obituary / back-up link.
Rolfe, Mrs. Henry; 7 Fales St, Hartford
- Less than seriously burned about the head, treated at home. Attended circus with Mrs. Robert Morris who was also injured.THC
Rondeau, Mrs. Grace O.; 98 Lyons St , New Britain
- Was awarded $3,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Rooney, Earl (adult); 14 Paxton Rd, West Hartford
- Attended the circus with his daughter, Patricia Mae Rooney, and her cousin and uncle, Evelyn and Joseph McGee. When they heard the cries of "fire", they jumped from the back of the bleachers and escaped under the canvas. When they looked back, the whole tent was engulfed in flames.
- Read Patricia Mae Rooney's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 9
Rooney, Patricia Mae (9); 14 Paxton Rd, West Hartford
- Attended the circus with her father, Earl Rooney, and her cousin and uncle, Evelyn and Joseph McGee. When they heard the cries of "fire", they jumped from the back of the bleachers and escaped under the canvas. When they looked back, the whole tent was engulfed in flames.
- aka Patricia (Rooney) LaRoche
- Read Patricia's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 9
Rosker, Annette (12); Hartford
- Survived the Hartford circus fire.
- Annette Rosker Gavens died November 20, 2023, surrounded by her children. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Rossi, Anthony U.
- Mentioned on a memorial brick, "A THANKFUL SURVIVOR ANTHONY U ROSSI"
Roy, Eugene Adam (4); 43 Warren St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with his grandmother, Gladys Kokoska, who fell down and was trampled on but was able to save both of their lives. Eugene suffered injuries to his head, right leg and foot, severe burns to 20% of his body, and severe nervous shock, and was awarded $5,000 by the arbitration board for his injuries. He was at Hartford Hospital from July 6 until September 9, 1944, and then required 6 weeks of care at home. Eugene is pictured in the photo of the recovering children patients at Hartford Hospital, the boy in the back on the gurney with a frown on his face. Eugene A. Roy passed away peacefully on July 28, 2012. (Link to obituary / Back-up link)
Rubenstein, Alfred S.; Vine St, Hartford
- Awarded $7,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Rubenstein, Muriel (32); Vine St (and/or 416 Farmington Ave), Hartford
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with burns, Friday night, 7/7/44.THC
- Still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $42,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Russo, Joseph R. Jr. (5); Windsor, CT
- Joseph left this earth May 1, 2014 after a long and courageous battle with lung cancer. As a child Joe survived the Hartford Circus Fire by following an elephant out of the tent. (from THC obituary)
Russo, Ella (38); Edgewood St, Hartford
- Went to the circus with Frank and Rose Sullivan and their children Dennis and Eileen, Vincent Testa, and Amy Montano and her son Jerome Montano. All but Vincent would survive.PC
Ruzbasan, John R. (11)
- Circus fire survivor passed away Monday, May 21, 2012 at home surrounded by his loving family. [obituary]
Ryan, Charles Sr. (27); Hartford
- Attended the circus with his wife Frances and son Charles Jr.; all survived. The family did not go directly home after the fire, causing worry among their friends in the area for a short period of time.
Ryan, Charles Jr. (3); Hartford
- Attended the circus with his parents Frances and Charles Ryan Sr.; all survived.
Ryan, Edward
- One of the first to sue as a result of injuries.THC
Ryan, Florence J.
- One of the first to sue as a result of injuries.THC
Ryan, Frances (Rogers) (27); Hartford
- Attended the circus with her husband Charles Sr. and son Charles Jr.; all survived.
Ryiz, Mrs. Elizabeth M.; 163 Bassett St, New Britain
- Was awarded $6,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Ryiz, Paul A.; 163 Bassett St, New Britain
- Was awarded $600 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
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TWT: The White Tops magazine
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFM: Circus Fire Memories
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFM: Circus Fire Memories
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant