Survivor List
(last names beginning with "W")
Nearly 7,000 circus fans attended the afternoon show on July 6, 1944, and many were fortunate enough to survive the blaze. Here are the names of some of the survivors, and also the names of those who helped or are otherwise associated with the Hartford Circus Fire, though they may not have been in attendance during the tragic performance.
Names are sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who got married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the each page can also be used to search the entire website for a name or term.
Names are sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who got married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the each page can also be used to search the entire website for a name or term.
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Waddell, L. Audrey (12); Manchester
- a.k.a Audrey (Waddell) Knofla.
- Survived the circus fire, passed away at her home on March 23, 2013 following a brief illness.
Wadstrom, Beverly (13); Freeman St, Hartford
- aka Beverly (Wadstrom) Fargnoli
- Attended circus with 3 or 4 friends, all survived. They were seated on folding chairs on the south side of the big top, high on the bleachers. Beverly's father was a Hartford policeman and helped out in the morgue with identifying bodies.CFR
Waichen, Miss Helen "Nellie" (31); New York City
- Attended the circus with her mother, Anna Waichen, and her sister Mrs. Sylvia Songailo, 25, and nephew Edward Robert “Bobby” Songailo, 4. They all met at a bus stop in Hartford and went to the circus in Nellie’s car. Sylvia and her son Bobby sat near the exit; when Sylvia saw the fire, the two of them ran out. Nellie and her mother Anna sat near the front, and as they were making their way to the exit, Nellie lost her grip on her mother’s hand and lost her in the crowd.
- Helen (Waichen) Rogow of Boca Raton, FL, and Avon, died Sunday, April 15, 2001. Link to obituary / Back up link
Wainwright, Frank (adult); Riverside Park, East Hartford
- Works at American Airlines. Entered the circus around 2pm, saw a couple of flood lights and two young electricians fooling around with them. Noticed that one of the lights hit directly to the spot where the fire broke out. When he saw the fire, he jumped and exited the tent.
Wakeman, Elwyn Darling (42); 23 Grennan Dr, West Hartford
- Attended the circus with his wife, Virginia, daughter Sandra, son Bruce, and Stephen Milliken. When they noticed the fire, Elwyn made his way toward the main entrance with Sandra on his shoulder and the other three members of his group behind him. When he reached the animal runway, he realized that the others were no longer behind him. He leaped onto the runway cage and threw Sandra into the arms of a man on the other side. Elwyn then backtracked to find the others, without success. He escaped with burns on his neck and back and was treated at St. Francis Hospital and discharged.
- Was awarded $2,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
- Read a memory about Elwin Wakeman from his best friend's grand-daughter.
Wakeman, Sandra (3); 23 Grennan Rd, West Hartford
- Attended the circus with her parents, Elwin and Virginia, brother Bruce and friend Stephen Milliken. When they noticed the fire, Elwyn made his way toward the main entrance with Sandra on his shoulder and the other three members of his group behind him. When he reached the animal runway, he realized that the others were no longer behind him. He leaped onto the runway cage and threw Sandra into the arms of a man on the other side. She escaped with burns on her arms, and was taken to the hospital for treatment.
- Sandra had been listed as missing but was found to be safe.
- Still remained at Hartford Hospital, Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $4,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Walker, Dewey (46); 16 Chestnut St, Manchester
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Walker, Mrs. Louise; 93 Montrose St, Hartford
- Was awarded $3,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Walker, Mrs. Nettie (73); Vermont (visiting 31 Milbrook Dr, East Hartford)
- Was trampled upon in the stampede from the flaming tent and was treated and discharged for several fractured ribs at East Hartford Hospital.THC
Wallace, Charles (8), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
Wallace, Cora (child), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
Wallace, Elizabeth (child), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
Wallace, Mary (10), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
Wallace, Nellie (adult), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Cora, Elizabeth, Mary and Nellie Wallace, and Elizabeth, Ralph, Frank and James Bushnell. All nine in the party survived. See Charles' story on Personal Accounts Page 5.
- Charles Raymond Wallace, age 87, passed away on Tuesday, December 26, 2023.
Wallace, Cora (child), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Charles, Elizabeth, Mary and Nellie Wallace, and Elizabeth, Ralph, Frank and James Bushnell. All nine in the party survived.
Wallace, Elizabeth (child), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Charles, Cora, Mary and Nellie Wallace, and Elizabeth, Ralph, Frank and James Bushnell. All nine in the party survived.
Wallace, Mary (10), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Charles, Cora, Elizabeth and Nellie Wallace, and Elizabeth, Ralph, Frank and James Bushnell. All nine in the party survived. Mary married James Bushnell 17 years after the fire.
- See Mary's story on Personal Accounts Page 2.
- Mary Wallace Bushnell, R.N., of Solana Beach, California, passed away August 8, 2021, at the age of 88. Link to obituary / back-up link
Wallace, Nellie (adult), Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Charles, Cora, Elizabeth, and Mary Wallace, and Elizabeth, Ralph, Frank and James Bushnell. All nine in the party survived.
Wallenda, Helen (adult); Sarasota, FL
- Circus performer with the Wallenda troupe, married to Carl Wallenda. Helen was up on the platform above the back of the hippodrome track preparing to begin the act with her sister Henrietta Wallenda, Herman Wallenda, Joe Geiger and another partner. The main entrance was to her right. Henrietta said "look!" and she saw the fire about two feet wide on the canvas sidewall. As she watched, the fire on the sidewall caught the fringe of the canvas roof on fire. Carl motioned from the other side of the tent for her to get down and she did. She tried to get out the nearest exit but she was caught in the crowd that was pushing along to the east exit. Helen received some bruises from being stepped on. She had been with the circus from 1928 to 1938, then left and returned in 1941.
Wallis, Barbara (5)
- (now Barbara Felgate) Attended the circus with her parents, Carl and Helen Wallis, and they all survived. Barbara now manages her own website about the circus fire: 1944 Hartford Circus Fire
Wallis, Carl (adult)
- Attended the circus with his wife Helen and daughter Barbara and they all survived. Mr. Wallis captured many photos before, during and after the fire which can be viewed in this slideshow:
Wallis, Helen
- Attended the circus with her husband Carl and their daughter Barbara; they all survived.
Warner, Dorothy
- Survivor.
Wasserman, Leonard (13); Garden St, Hartford
- Went to circus with his schoolmate, Hyman. Both escaped unharmed by jumping from the bleachers and lifting the sidewall of the tent.CFR
Watson, Albert (42); D-78 Charter Oak Terrace, Hartford
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with back injury, Friday night 7/7/44.THC
- Still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
Webb, Eldorus C. (40); 27 Wright Rd, Wethersfield
- Admitted to Municpal Hospital with injuries.THC
- Still remained at Hartford Hospital, Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $21,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including shock, 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 25% of his body area, especially arms, scalp, neck, chest, with scars. Spent 9 1/2 weeks at Hartford Hospital.
- Was owner and manager of E.C. Webb, shoe repair and accessories business. Had an artificial leg from an injury when he was 5 years old.
Webb, Robert C. (7); 27 Wright Rd, Wethersfield
- Admitted to Municipal Hospital with injuries.THC
- Still remained at Hartford Hospital, Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $7,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 9% of his body area, especially arms and legs, with scars.
Webb, William H. (11); 27 Wright Rd, Wethersfield
- Admitted to Municipal Hospital with injuries.THC
- Still remained at Hartford Hospital, Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $10,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including shock, 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 10% of his body area, especially arms, hands, calves, and scalp, with scars. Spent 6 weeks at Hartford Hospital.
Webber, Carol (4); 152 Mather St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her mother, Mrs. Rose Webber, and both escaped the burning tent just before it collapsed.
Webber, Mrs. Rose (adult); 152 Mather St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her daughter Carol (4). They arrived about 2:45 and just as they were sitting down in their seats in the southwest bleachers, she turned around and noticed fire in the back, on the sidewall and near the top. By the time they went down the steps, half of the roof was burning and when they got to the main entrance a tall, slim man with blue shirt and grey pants said "You can't go out, we have to let the elephants out first!" so Rose kicked him and they exited alongside five elephants. Just as they got out, she turned and saw the whole canvas roof fall.
Weidl, Douglas Gerard (9); Hartford
- Survivor of the circus fire, Mr. Weidl passed away peacefully on January 20, 2016. [obituary]
Weidman, Charles; Pvt., 79th, A.A.A., Sec. “K”, Manchester; Pittsburgh, PA
- Attended the circus with a group of 21 soldiers, accompanied by Red Cross Motor Corps lieutenant Mrs. Norman Boyce of Windsor. Charles assisted in carrying out several children, some severely burned.
- Attended the circus with a group of convalescing soldiers from Bradley Field in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. The group sat in Reserved Section A, first and second rows. At the conclusion of the animal act, they heard a cry of “FIRE” from behind them and to their left; they looked back and saw fire where the sidewall meets the roof canvas. When the fire began to spread rapidly, the group hurried out of the big top.
Wells, Robert; Bellevue Square, Hartford
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Wersig Eva C. (adult); Portland, CT
- Attended circus with her husband and daughter, Ruth Campbell, and neighborhood boys Bill Conklin and Steve Clapp. All escaped without injuries, except Eva whose back was injured from jumping from the stands and being trampled by the crowd. She was awarded $2,600 by the arbitration board for the injury.
- Read Steve Clapp’s story here: A Day at the Circus
Wersig, George (57); Portland, CT
- Attended circus with his wife Eva and stepdaughter, Ruth Campbell, and neighborhood boys Bill Conklin and Steve Clapp. All escaped without injuries, except Eva, whose back was injured.
- Read Steve Clapp’s story here: A Day at the Circus
Wescott, Annie S. (adult); 117 Washington Ave, East Hartford
- Attended circus with her husband, Forest E. Wescott, and two grandsons, Richard Wescott (2 1/2) and Gordon Sayers (7). They all sat together in section J, about in the middle of the third row. Forest saw the fire hit the roof and spread rapidly, told Annie "Let's get out of here!", and took Richard in his arms while Annie took Gordon's hand. Forest kicked the chairs out of the way and they jumped the guard railing, then walked to the rear exit by the bandstand. After they got outside, they went to the bushes in the back of the lot, looked back and the whole roof was on fire.
Wescott, Forest E. (adult); 117 Washington Ave, East Hartford
- Attended circus with his wife, Annie S. Wescott, and two grandsons, Richard Wescott (2 1/2) and Gordon Sayers (7). They all sat together in section J, about in the middle of the third row. Forest saw the fire hit the roof and spread rapidly, told Annie "Let's get out of here!", and took Richard in his arms while Annie took Gordon's hand. Forest kicked the chairs out of the way and they jumped the guard railing, then walked to the rear exit by the bandstand. After they got outside, they went to the bushes in the back of the lot, looked back and the whole roof was on fire.
Wescott, Richard L. (2 1/2); 102 Washington Ave, East Hartford
- Attended circus with Gordon Sayers (7), and their grandparents Forest and Annie Wescott. They all sat together in section J, about in the middle of the third row. Forest saw the fire hit the roof and spread rapidly, told Annie "Let's get out of here!", and took Richard in his arms while Annie took Gordon's hand. Forest kicked the chairs out of the way and they jumped the guard railing, then walked to the rear exit by the bandstand. After they got outside, they went to the bushes in the back of the lot, looked back and the whole roof was on fire.
Wheeler, Geanne (15); 3 Seyms St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her sister Irene Wheeler, and they sat in the southwest bleachers, to the right of the main entrance, about 10 rows from the bottom and to the right of the center of the section, toward the reserved seats. May Kovar's act with pumas and black panthers had finished and the animals began to go through the runways and Geanne felt it get hot behind her. She turned and saw fire near the flap of the roof just a little to her left, toward the main entrance. Geanne held her sister and they went down the bleachers, step by step, and went out the main entrance. Once outside, they saw circus workers putting boards over the sides of the animal wagons. Others were holding the outside crowds back so people could get out of the main entrance. About 5 minutes after getting out, the tent collapsed.
Wheeler, Irene (12); 3 Seyms St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her sister, Geanne Wheeler. The girls sat in the southwest bleachers near the origin of the fire, and they exited out the main entrance about 5 minutes before the big top collapsed.
Wheeler, Roland Bruce (2 1/2)
- Attended the circus with his father, Roland Clifford Wheeler, while his mother Maidae Perry Wheeler stayed home as she was pregnant. Both survived, and neither liked circuses after the fire, and never told their memories of the day.
Wheeler, Roland Clifford (adult)
- Attended the circus with his son, Roland Bruce Wheeler, while his wife Maidae Perry Wheeler stayed home as she was pregnant. Both survived, and neither liked circuses after the fire, and never told their memories of the day.
Whinnem, Douglas (3); 40 Norfolk St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with his father, Kenneth D. Whinnem.
Whinnem, Kenneth D. (30); 40 Norfolk St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with his son, Douglas (3); they sat in the southeast bleachers, next to the top row. Kenneth saw the small blaze grow larger, then jumped with his son off the back of the bleachers. Kenneth also helped 3 women and 4 children down.
White, Frederick Benedict (42); Wilson Dr, Wilson
- Attended the circus with his son Thomas (6 1/2) and a boy from the neighborhood who plays with his son. They sat on the north side of the tent in section T, row 18, seats 1, 2 and 3 (top row). Mr. White saw the fire behind the bleachers in the southwest corner, across the tent and diagonal from where he sat. He noticed the fire move quickly once it hit the canvas top, and when it was over their heads they started to leave. They climbed over seats, went over the animal chute at the east end and out through the back entrance. At the chute, Fred passed the children over and hollered to a spectator to hold them. Fred jumped over, bruising his leg. Most of the seats were tipped over, piled up, laying every which way. The aisle no longer existed.
- Fred White was awarded $600 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns to his neck, ears, and shoulders. His son twisted his foot, and the other boy was lightly burned on his arm.
White, Thomas (6 1/2); Wilson Dr, Wilson
- Attended the circus with his father, Frederick White, and a boy from the neighborhood. They sat on the north side of the tent in section T, row 18, seats 1, 2 and 3 (top row). They all escaped with minor injuries, Thomas twisted his foot.
White, Joseph (19)
- Performer with the circus, survived the fire. Went on to play a "Little Oscar" for Oscar Mayer and toured the Midwest in the Weinermobile, promoting Oscar Mayer hot dogs. Joe also played an "inebriated munchkin" in the 1981 film 'Under the Rainbow'. Mr. White passed away in 2001. A friend recalls that every time Joe mentioned the fire there were tears in his eyes. There was little he could do to help at just 4'-3". LINK to an LA Times interview with Mr. White from 1996.
Whitney, Lucy Stockwell (19); West Hartford
- Lucy survived the fire; she was saved by a stranger, and in turn led a young boy to safety.
- Lucy Stockwell Whitney Clark died September 2, 2010. LINK to Hartford Courant obituary.
Wilder, Agnes (adult); West Hartford
- Went to the circus with her sons Bruce and Peter, and they sat in the reserved seats on the North side, between the animal runways. When they saw the fire, Agnes took the boys up the bleachers and they slid down the tent poles to escape. Read Bruce Wilder's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 8.
Wilder, Bruce (14); West Hartford
- Went to the circus with his mother Agnes and brother Peter, and they sat in the reserved seats on the North side, between the animal runways. When they saw the fire, Agnes took the boys up the bleachers and they slid down the tent poles to escape. Read Bruce Wilder's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 8.
Wilder, Peter (8); West Hartford
- Went to the circus with his mother Agnes and brother Bruce, and they sat in the reserved seats on the North side, between the animal runways. When they saw the fire, Agnes took the boys up the bleachers and they slid down the tent poles to escape. Read Bruce Wilder's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 8.
Wilkinson, Cheryl (adult)
- Attended the circus with her husband Robert and two of their daughters. All of them escaped without serious injuries. See Personal Accounts page 6.
Wilkinson, Janet (child, eldest daughter)
- Attended the circus with her parents and sister Suzanne and they all escaped without serious injuries. See Personal Accounts page 6.
Wilkinson, Robert (adult)
- Attended the circus with his wife and daughters and they all escaped without serious injuries. See Personal Accounts page 6.
Wilkinson, Suzanne (7)
- Attended the circus with her parents and sister Janet and they all escaped without serious injuries. See Personal Accounts page 6.

Williams, Mona Rae (13); Andover, Conn.
- Attended the circus with a friend; when the fire broke out they found the exit was blocked, so they escaped by going under the canvas.
- Married name Mona Williams Brown.
- Read Mona's story of her escape from the burning big top here: Personal Account page 10.
Wilson, Carrie Bell; Bellevue Square, Hartford
- Survived the circus fire.
Wilson, Casper; Pvt., 708 Military Police Det., Camp Edwards, Cape Cod, Mass.
- Attended the circus with a group of convalescing soldiers from Bradley Field in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. The group sat in Reserved Section A, first and second rows. At the conclusion of the animal act, they heard a cry of “FIRE” from behind them and to their left; they looked back and saw fire where the sidewall meets the roof canvas. When the fire began to spread rapidly, the group hurried out of the big top.
Wilson, Clarence (child); Wethersfield
- Attended the circus with his mother, both escaped through a hole cut in the sidewall canvas.
Wilson, Geoffrey (8); Wethersfield
- Attended the circus with his grandfather, Gustav Anderson, and they sat in section G or H. The pair were separated as they escaped the burning tent, but both made it out safely. Read Geoffrey's full story here: Circus Fire Experience
Wilson, Mrs. (adult)
- Clarence E. Wilson left his wife and son at the circus - did not learn until some time later that they escaped safely.RDH
Wilson, boy (child)
- Clarence E. Wilson left his wife and son at the circus - did not learn until some time later that they escaped safely.RDH
Winer, Mrs. Lillian (35); 354 Holcomb St, Hartford
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.
Winters, Thomas F. (38); 19 Hillcrest Court, Forestville
Winters, Thomas Jr. (10); 19 Hillcrest Court, Forestville
Winters, Maryann (6); 19 Hillcrest Court, Forestville
Winters, Thomas Jr. (10); 19 Hillcrest Court, Forestville
Winters, Maryann (6); 19 Hillcrest Court, Forestville
- Mr, Thomas Winters went to the circus with his son Thomas Jr. (10) and daughter Maryann (6). They sat together to the left of the main entrance, top row of the bleachers. As the Wallenda act was getting ready, Tom Jr. said it was getting hot and his father looked to the right and across and saw a circle of fire. A few seconds later, the screams of fire were heard and Thomas noticed people running to the main entrance, so they got out by crawling under the sidewall canvas. Thomas brought his children out to Barbur Street and told them to stay there as he reported to a uniformed sergeant and asked what he could do to help. Thomas put on his badge (Bristol Police Dept, desk officer) and assisted the fire department in laying hose and later in removing dead bodies.
- Thomas overheard four men with maroon pants in the performer's tent arguing about fire extinguishers not working. (See also William Jackson's statement)

Wise, Alma Coleen; Hartford
- Survivor of the Hartford circus fire, Alma Coleen "Cookie" Johnson, 91, of Enfield, passed away on August 6, 2023, at home with her children by her side and with the faith of being reunited with her husband and children who went before her. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Wodecki, Katherine (adult); 56 Norwich St, Hartford
Wodecki, Katherine Mary "Kay" (2); 56 Norwich St, Hartford
Wodecki, Katherine Mary "Kay" (2); 56 Norwich St, Hartford
- Mrs Katherine Wodecki attended the circus with her daughter Kay (2); Mrs. Snyer and her two nieces; Mrs. Bond and Mrs. Niemczyk and their children. They sat in the southeast bleachers by the bandstand. Mrs. Niemczyk yelled "Fire!", and Katherine turned and saw the flames, grabbed her baby and ran out the exit just left of their seats. She had to duck under and step over ropes outside, ran through bushes and woods and made her way out to Barbour Street.
Woeler, Harold A. (42); 39 Bloomfield Ave, Windsor
Woeler, Harold Jr. (7); 39 Bloomfield Ave, Windsor
Woeler, Joane (5); 39 Bloomfield Ave, Windsor
Woeler, Lillian (adult); 39 Bloomfield Ave, Windsor
Woeler, Harold Jr. (7); 39 Bloomfield Ave, Windsor
Woeler, Joane (5); 39 Bloomfield Ave, Windsor
Woeler, Lillian (adult); 39 Bloomfield Ave, Windsor
- Mr. Harold Woeler attended the circus with his wife Lillian, their son Harold, Jr. (7) and their daughter Joane (5). They sat together in the bleachers next to section H on the south side of the tent, in the 4th row from the top, on the west end of the bleachers. At the conclusion of the animal act, Harold, Jr. went to use the toilet and upon his return, Lillian smelled smoke. Then they saw the fire and people began to run; Harold insisted that his family stay in their seats until the path was clear, but as the flames spread to the section H seats, the poles were starting to sway so they decided to leave. Harold jumped to the ground from the left end of the bleachers, reached up for Harold, Jr., then went under the bleachers and found Lillian and Joane who had slid down between the bleacher seats. They all exited the big top by the soft drink tent, went through the woods and out to a street.
- Harold believed the fire was caused by "Spontaneous Combustion" from the heat and spot lights.
Woodruff, David "Woody" Franklin (2); New Britain, CT
- Went to the circus with his mother and father. When they saw the flames, they went to the top of the bleachers and slid down a pole.CFM
- David died March 29, 2014 with his family at his side after a long struggle with pulmonary fibrosis. He was a survivor of the Hartford Circus Fire. (from THC obituary)
Woods, Richmond (16); West Hartford
- Went to the circus with his younger brother, both survived.CFR
Woods, [unknown first name] (8); West Hartford
- Went to the circus with his older brother Richmond, both survived.CFR
Wormstedt, Betty Lou (child); 26 White St, Rockville
- Attended the circus with the Kuhnly family; two Kuhnly family members would die while the rest of the group survived. Betty Lou was picked up and carried to safety by the father of Raymond S. Mills.TWT
- Betty Lou's sister, Alyce Wormstedt and their cousin Lydia were supposed to go with the Kuhnly party to the circus but went shopping in Hartford instead, without telling anyone. Alyce's father, a fire chief, rushed to Hartford and toured the morgue until he received word that Alyce had taken the bus home.
Wright, Everett F. "Whitey" (17); Rockville
- Survivor of the circus fire, graduated from Rockville High School in 1944. Mr. Wright passed away at his home on the farm on July 19, 2014 (link to obituary)(back-up link).
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O
P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
TWT: The White Tops magazine
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant