Survivor List
(last names beginning with "L")
Nearly 7,000 circus fans attended the afternoon show on July 6, 1944, and many were fortunate enough to survive the blaze. Here are the names of some of the survivors, and also the names of those who helped or are otherwise associated with the Hartford Circus Fire, though they may not have been in attendance during the tragic performance.
Names are sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who got married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the each page can also be used to search the entire website for a name or term.
Names are sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who got married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the each page can also be used to search the entire website for a name or term.
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Lakin, Harry Lewis, Jr. (28); Cumberland Center, Portland, ME
- Circus worker, lights department. On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/6/1944, 7/7/1944 and 7/10/1944.
- Lakin allegedly spoke suspiciously with a worker at Municipal Hospital when he was admitted, see more here: Mrs. Menard's Statement: An Uninvestigated Report About a Suspicious Man
Lambert, Richard (11); 41 Spring St.
Landers, Mary Elizabeth (4 1/2)
- Attended the circus with her aunt, Eileen Gallivan and cousin Jean Gallivan. The three sat on the top bleacher seat to the left of the main entrance. They jumped from their seats and escaped under the tent just before the entire tent became engulfed in flames.

Lapuk, Marvin, (13); 240 Cornwall Street, Hartford
- Marvin's mother Sarah Lapuk and brother Seymour Lapuk were killed in the fire. Marvin was awarded $500 by the arbitration board for his injuries.
- Marvin H. Lapuk (Marv) died at home on December 12, 2021, after heroic battles against Alzheimer's Disease and cancer. [link to obituary / back-up link]
LaRoche, Donna (minor); 43 Enfield St, Hartford
- Donna LaRoche of Hartford was awarded $7,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
LaRoche, Mrs. Phyllis (22); 42 Enfield St, Hartford
- Was awarded $11,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with burns on feet and arms, Friday night 7/7/44.THC
- Still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
- Listed as injured.SDN
Larson, Robert L. (18); 136 Lyons St, New Britain
- Robert Larson, a single man employed at Fafnir Bearing Co., was awarded $50,000 for injuries that he received in the circus fire. Mr. Larson suffered first, second and third degrees burns to his head, back, right and left upper extremities, and both legs; approximately 33% of his body was burned. Robert was treated at Hartford Hospital for over 4 months, until November 18, 1944, and continued to have restricted movement of his elbows, wrists hands, and fingers.
Lasch, Dr. Henry R. (50); 56 Grove Hill, New Britain
- Dr. Lasch was injured when he jumped during his escape from the circus fire, and was sore for several days. He was awarded $2,000 by the arbitration board for his injuries, which included an inguinal hernia and pain in left groin. Dr. Lasch was married with four children, and worked as a dentist.
Lassow, Arthur S. (5); Manchester
- Went to circus with brother Gordon, and their parents Mr. and Mrs. Lassow. All survived without injuries.CFR
Lassow, Gordon (10); Manchester
- Went to circus with brother Arthur, and their parents Mr. and Mrs. Lassow. All survived without injuries.CFR
Lassow, Mr. (adult); Manchester
- Mr. and Mrs. Lassow went to the circus with their sons, Arthur and Gordon. All survived without injuries.CFR
Lassow, Mrs. (adult); Manchester
- Mr. and Mrs. Lassow went to the circus with their sons, Arthur and Gordon. All survived without injuries.CFR
Lattleson, W. L.; 256 Spring St, Meriden
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
Lauridsen, Mrs. Lizzie M.; 101 Portman St, Windsor
- Was awarded $1,800 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC

Lawrence, Albert (42); Windsor
- Attended the circus with his daughter Diane, and both survived with minor burns. Mr. Lawrence's statement to the Connecticut State Police and his daughter's memories of the fire can be read here: Memories of the Hartford Circus Fire.

Lawrence, Diane (12); Windsor
- Diane and her father attended the circus and survived the fire with minor burns. Her memories of the day can be read here: Memories of the Hartford Circus Fire.
- Diane Lawrence Jonardi passed away on February 3, 2018. [link to obituary]
Lazinsk, Malcolm (11); 297 Greenfield St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with a neighbor, Gertrude Frank, and her sons William and Stanley. They all sat in the bleachers at the far end of the big top, opposite the main entrance, and about 12 feet off the ground. Billy was first to get down, by swinging on a bar and jumping to the ground. Gertrude swung Stanley down to Billy, and then had to push Malcolm through the bleacher boards; in doing so, she fell through herself.
Lefkin, Edith (10); 710 Garden St, Hartford
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
Lepore, Mrs. Mary; 53 Nelson St, Hartford
- Was awarded $10,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Lepore, Richard (minor); 53 Nelson St, Hartford
- Was awarded $500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Lerman, Harvey (6); 51 Norfolk Street, Hartford
- Attended circus with mother Maxine Lerman and brother Steven Lerman. The family was celebrating Steven's birthday.
Lerman, Maxine (adult); 51 Norfolk Street, Hartford
- Attended circus with sons Harvey Lerman and Steven Lerman. The family was celebrating Steven's birthday.
Lerman, Steven (5); 51 Norfolk Street, Hartford
- Attended circus with mother Maxine Lerman and brother Harvey Lerman. The family was celebrating Steven's birthday.
Lessard, Donald (12); Howard St, Hartford
- Went to the circus with his brother, Omer. Both survived.CFR
Lessard, Omer (13); Howard St, Hartford
- Went to the circus with his brother, Donald. Both survived. Omer would meet and marry fellow survivor Dorothy Quint several years after the fire.CFR
Levack, William J. (50); 823 Nipsic Rd, Glastonbury
- Was awarded $12,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received, including a strained back when he slipped and fell while escaping the burning tent.
LeVasseur, Gerald (5 or 8); 761 Burlington Ave., Bristol
- Attended the circus with his mother, Marion LeVasseur, who died in the fire. Gerald was badly burned and was in serious condition at Municipal Hospital. Gerald and his mother attended the circus with Mrs. James Eustice, Mrs. M. E. Linxwiler and her daughter Mary Ann.
- Critical condition at Hartford Hospital (7/8/44).TBP
- On the Critical List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Was awarded $80,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire. In addition to losing his mother in the fire, Gerald's injuries consisted of the loss of the fingers on his left hand, severe burns on his right hand and on his body, and a permanent scalp wound caused by burns, on which hair will not grow.THC
Levesque, Mrs. Rita J.; D276 Charter Oak Terrace, Hartford
- Was awarded $1,250 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC

Levine, Marion L.; Hartford
- Was awarded $15,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.
- Read Remembering Aunt Marion in the Essays section.
Levy, Minnie; Hartford
- Was awarded $650 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.
- Mentioned in the essay Remembering Aunt Marion.
Lewis, Nan Elaine (15); West Hartford
- Nan took her younger sister Fran and two cousins to the circus. She and her sister were helped to safety by a police officer and the cousins escaped by crawling under the big top sidewall.
- Nan Elaine Lewis Glass died August 10, 2017. [link to obituary]
L'Heureux, Mrs. Irene M. (33); 104 Wilcox Ave, Meriden
- Was awarded $800 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including contusion of right buttock and hand and a blow to the head.
Libby, Judith Ann (6); 3 Burbank Rd, Wethersfield
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Was awarded $2,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns to her arms, shoulders, and top of head. Judith attended the circus with her mother and brother, Juliette and Lawrence Libby.
- Judith Ann Libby died peacefully on October 12, 2022 at home on her 85th birthday. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Libby, Mrs. Juliette (36); 3 Burbank Rd, Wethersfield
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Was awarded $5,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns to both arms, back of legs, scalp, back and shoulders, and nervousness. Mrs. Libby attended the circus with her children, Lawrence and Judith Ann Libby.
Libby, Lawrence R. (4); 3 Burbank Rd, Wethersfield
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Was awarded $10,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns to his entire back, arm, shoulder, back of neck, scalp and severe nervousness. Lawrence attended the circus with his mother and sister, Juliette and Judith Ann Libby. He turned 4 years old a few days after the fire, on July 9, 1944.
Lichtenbaum, Doris; Wethersfield
- Attended the circus with her brother Harry Lichtenbaum, and both escaped with their lives.
Lichtenbaum, Harry L. (13); Wethersfield
- Attended the circus with his sister Doris Lichtenbaum. They changed seats before the show began and were able to escape the burning tent safely. Read more from Harry Lichtenbaum here: Personal Accounts - Page 7.
- Mr. Lichtenbaum tells his story here to the Hartford Courant. [back-up link]
- Harry L. Lichtenbaum passed away peacefully November 17, 2022. [link to obituary][back-up link]
Liggett's Drug Store
- Donated 25 cases of coca butter soap, especially helpful in treatment of burns, to the Red Cross for circus fire victims.THC
Linde, Alice (child)
- Went to circus with her father, Fred Linde, her brother Lawrence, and her two sisters Shirley and Florence. The group sat in the Northwest Bleachers to the right of an animal runway. When they noticed the fire, they ran down the bleachers and toward the exit. Read Shirley's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 8.
Linde, Florence (child)
- Went to circus with her father, Fred Linde, her brother Lawrence, and her two sisters Shirley and Alice. The group sat in the Northwest Bleachers to the right of an animal runway. When they noticed the fire, they ran down the bleachers and toward the exit. Read Shirley's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 8.
Linde, Fred (adult)
- Went to circus with his children Shirley, Florence, Alice and Lawrence. The group sat in the Northwest Bleachers to the right of an animal runway. When they noticed the fire, they ran down the bleachers and toward the exit. Mr. Linde passed away in 1957. Read Shirley's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 8.
Linde, Lawrence (child)
- Went to circus with his father, Fred Linde, and his sisters Shirley, Florence, and Alice. The group sat in the Northwest Bleachers to the right of an animal runway. When they noticed the fire, they ran down the bleachers and toward the exit. Read Shirley's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 8.
Linde, Shirley (8)
- Went to circus with her father, Fred Linde, her brother Lawrence, and her two sisters Alice and Florence. The group sat in the Northwest Bleachers to the right of an animal runway. When they noticed the fire, they ran down the bleachers and toward the exit. Read Shirley's story here: Personal Accounts - Page 8.
Linxwiler, Mrs. M. E.; Burlington Avenue, Bristol
- Attended circus with her daughter Mary Ann, and Marion LeVasseur and her son Gerald, and Mrs. James Eustice. Mrs. Linxwiler and her child escaped by jumping from the top stand.
Linxwiler, Mary Ann; Burlington Avenue, Bristol
- Attended circus with her mother Mrs. M. E. Linxwiler, and Marion LeVasseur and her son Gerald, and Mrs. James Eustice. Mary Ann and her mother escaped by jumping from the top stand.
Lisk, Carleton (child); Rockville
- Attended the circus with friend Donald Miller; the boys jumped from the top of the bleachers and ran to safety.
Livingston, Ralph E. (8); 7 North Quaker Lane, West Hartford
- Ralph attended the circus with neighbors John Conlin and his daughter Joan (5). They sat in Section C, row 9, seats 10 thru 12. John Conlin protected his daughter and Ralph by covering their mouths and heads from the flames and leading them to the exit by the bandstand. Ralph was burned on his arms, legs, and both knees and was taken to Hartford Hospital for treatment,
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Was awarded $7,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns and permanent scars on his arm, wrist and leg, burns to his forehead, nose and top of head, and nervousness. Ralph was confined to Hartford Hospital from July 6 until August 26, 1944.
Locke, Dr. Harry L.
- Chief of Staff at Municipal Hospital.THC
Locke, Lawrence; 579 Hills St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with his mother, Mrs. Viola Locke, his sister Elaine Locke, his aunt Mrs. Edith Wickham Budrick, and cousinsEdith W. Budrick and Joseph C. Budrick, Jr. All of them but Lawrence died Thursday, 7/6, in the circus fire.THC
Logan, Harold (4); 125 Capitol Ave, Hartford
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Logan, Lillian (Tillbrook) (23); 136 William St., Middletown
- Attended circus with her daughter, Sandra Louise Logan, and her mother, Emma (Walter )Tillbrook. Sandra perished in the fire, and Lillian was admitted to Municipal Hospital for outpatient treatment. She passed away in May, 1983.(from family member)
- Was awarded $2,300 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns on her body, hands, legs, shoulders, buttocks, arms and hands.
Lonergan, Edward Augustine (9); Hartford
- Ed was a survivor of the Hartford circus fire.
- Edward (Ed) Augustine Lonergan, of Old Saybrook, CT, passed away peacefully on December 29, 2023, after a short hospital stay and a long battle with Parkinsons, which, like most things, he was too stubborn to allow to disrupt his life unduly. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Lonergan, Mary Lawlor (6); Hartford, North End
- Went to the circus with her parents Francis and Mary Lonergan, and they sat at the bottom row of the bleachers near the main entrance. Mary and her father were separated from Mrs. Lonergan during the rush to the exit, but they all reunited outside. CFM
- Mary Lawlor (Lonergan) Green died Thursday September 22, 2022, in Marlborough after a long illness. She was 84 years old. [LINK to obituary / Back-up LINK]
Longdon, Mrs. Lottie (54); 254 Albany Ave, Hartford
- Was awarded $1,750 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including bruises and abrasions to her thigh, hip and back, and severe shock. Mrs. Longdon suffered most of her injuries when she fell from the seating stands.
Longdon, Robert L. (52); 254 Albany Ave, Hartford
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including abrasions, contusions, leg and ankle sprains, and severe nervous shock.
Looby, Mrs. Bertha (48); 1609 Poquonock Ave, Windsor
- Was awarded $1,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including a fractured foot.
Looney, Rev. Thomas F., Hartford
- Notified of the fire by a parishioner, Father Looney was the first priest to arrive on scene and was directed by a circus employee to the rear of the lot where he did what he could for those still living, as others took them to hospitals.THC
- Father Looney was the first priest to arrive at the Hartford circus fire in 1944. He gave first aid to fire victims and administered many last rites. (from 7/27/48 obituary)THC
Lorenzetti, Mrs. Mary (34); 72 Cromwell St, Hartford
- Was awarded $2,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received when she jumped over a barrier while carrying her baby, including pain in her neck, back, abdomen, and knees.
Lubin, Seymour (12); 494 Edgewood St., Hartford
- Seymour is being treated at home for second-degree burns.THT
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Luszczewski, Mary Ann (adult); New London
- Attended the circus with her husband, Walter. Both would survive without injuries.
Luszczewski, Walter (adult); New London
- Attended the circus with his pregnant wife, Mary Ann. Both would survive without injuries.
Lynch, Mary Eileen (12); 54 Elmer St, Hartford
- Was awarded $1,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including infection to both eyes.
Lynn, Elinor (5 1/2)
- aka Elinor (Lynn) Bramberg. Went to circus with her mother, and her mother's friend Rose Dunn and her daughter. All made it out alive.CFM
Lynn, Mrs. (adult)
- Went to circus with her daughter Elinor Lynn, and her mother's friend Rose Dunn and her daughter. All made it out alive.CFM
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O
P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
TWT: The White Tops magazine
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant