Survivor List
(last names beginning with "S")
Nearly 7,000 circus fans attended the afternoon show on July 6, 1944, and many were fortunate enough to survive the blaze. Here are the names of some of the survivors, and also the names of those who helped or are otherwise associated with the Hartford Circus Fire, though they may not have been in attendance during the tragic performance.
Names are sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who got married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the each page can also be used to search the entire website for a name or term.
Names are sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who got married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the each page can also be used to search the entire website for a name or term.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O
P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
St. Onge, Andrea Theresa (in utero); Granby
- Mrs. Emma St. Onge attended the circus with her husband Paul, their son Leo Paul, and she was carrying their daughter Andrea in utero at the time of the circus fire. The family sat in the top of the bleachers opposite from where the fire began. When they saw the fire, they dropped down between the seats and escaped under the big top sidewall, and made their way to their car.
- Read their story here: Personal Accounts - Page 9.
St. Onge, Emma (Couture)(21); Granby
- Mrs. Emma St. Onge attended the circus with her husband Paul, their son Leo Paul, and she was carrying their daughter Andrea in utero at the time of the circus fire. The family sat in the top of the bleachers opposite from where the fire began. When they saw the fire, they dropped down between the seats and escaped under the big top sidewall, and made their way to their car.
- Read their story here: Personal Accounts - Page 9.
- Emma Julienne Couture St. Onge passed into the loving arms of her Heavenly Father on Friday, March 12, 2021. Link to obituary / back-up link
St. Onge, Leo Paul (1 1/2); Granby
- L. Paul attended the circus with his parents, Emma and Paul St. Onge, and they sat in the top of the bleachers opposite from where the fire began. When they saw the fire, they dropped down between the seats and escaped under the big top sidewall, and made their way to their car.
- Read their story here: Personal Accounts - Page 9.
St. Onge, Paul Arthur (adult); Granby
- Mr. Paul St. Onge attended the circus with his wife Emma, their son Leo Paul, and Emma was carrying their daughter Andrea in utero at the time of the circus fire. The family sat in the top of the bleachers opposite from where the fire began. When they saw the fire, they dropped down between the seats and escaped under the big top sidewall, and made their way to their car.
- Read their story here: Personal Accounts - Page 9.
St. Onge, Jeannette (16); Hartford
- Attended the circus with friends and survived.
- Jeannette (St. Onge) Pierre was called home to Heaven on February 18, 2019. Link to obituary / Back-up link.
Salzer, Jessie (11); West Hartford
- Survived the Hartford circus fire.
- Jessie (Salzer) Saxton, 87, passed away peacefully at home on January 18, 2020. Link to obituary / Back-up link.
Sampson, Mrs. Nellie
Sampson, Mrs. Sarah Ellen (68); 63 Freeman St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her employer, Harry Stone. Both are patients at Hartford Hospital. It was reported that Mrs. Sampson was badly burned. Mrs. Sampson's cousin, Mrs. Mable Staples, was also injured in the fire.
- Mrs. Sampson's injuries include abrasions resulting from a fall and are of a more serious nature than Mr. Stone's.
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- "Sara" Sampson on the Critical List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/1944.
- Critical condition at Hartford Hospital, Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $34,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Sandstrom, Nancy (14); Maple St., Bristol
- Attended circus and got out safely.
Sanford, Scott (9); Tariffville
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Sarafin, Nellie (18); Northampton, Mass.
- On the day of the circus, Nellie and a friend drove to Hartford and were waiting in line to get tickets, the line was long and it was crowded and they heard people talking about the show being sold out. Before they had a chance to get tickets to the show, they heard screaming and saw dark smoke and flames beginning to burn the tent. Nellie and her friend ran from the site, and would never forget the screams and smells of burning flesh.
Sartori, Evelyn; 37 Florence St, East Hartford
- John Sartori, administrator of the estate of Evelyn Sartori, 37 Florence St, Hartford, was awarded $7,500 by the arbitration board.THC
- Mrs. Evelyn Sartori, 39, wife of John Sartori, died February 21, 1945 at her home, 37 Florence Street, East Hartford.
- [Cause of death unknown, could her death have been related to inuries from the fire?]
Sartori, Michael (11); 37 Florence St, Hartford
- Was awarded $250 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including a sprain and contusions to his left foot from when he fell from the stair scaffolding.
Saunders, Archibald F. (42); Hartford
- Grandfather of Katherine Spada Basto who mentioned him at the Circus Fire Memorial Dedication Ceremony. Mr. Saunders went back into the tent and saved countless lives.
- aka Archie Saunders, listed as injured.SDN
Sayers, Gordon R. (8); Riverside Trailer Camp, Ensign St, East Hartford
- Attended circus with Richard L. Wescott (2 1/2), and their grandparents Forest and Annie Wescott. They all sat together in section J, about in the middle of the third row. Forest saw the fire hit the roof and spread rapidly, told Annie "Let's get out of here!", and took Richard in his arms while Annie took Gordon's hand. Forest kicked the chairs out of the way and they jumped the guard railing, then walked to the rear exit by the bandstand. After they got outside, they went to the bushes in the back of the lot, looked back and the whole roof was on fire.
Schaefer, Jr., Albert E.; Avery St, Manchester
- Was awarded $3,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Schaefer, Mrs. Mildred; Avery St, Manchester,
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Schaller, Earl (child)
- Went to circus with father Ruby Schaller, younger brother, and neighbor David M. Elovitz.
Schaller, Ruby (adult)
- Went to circus with older son Earl, younger son, and with neighbor David M. Elovitz.
Schaller, unknown boy (child)
- Went to circus with father Ruby Schaller, older brother Earl, and neighbor David M. Elovitz.
Schanzer, Carol; 152 Griswold Drive, West Hartford
- Was awarded $1,250 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Schanzer, Rodelle; 152 Griswold Drive, West Hartford
- Was awarded $1,250 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Scharr, Beverly; Hartford
- Was awarded $2,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Scharr, Joan Nancy; Hartford
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Scheffort, Rose (54); East Hartford
- Listed as injured.SDN
Schiavone, Gilda (14); 128 Nelson St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her friend, Carmela Vignone; they sat in section D, row 11, and Gilda had seat 16 which was next to the steps. She saw people begin to leave in a hurry, then heard someone yell "FIRE!" and she looked to her left and saw the flames. Gilda nudged Carmela and they got up and left. The steps were crowded so they jumped over the chairs in their section and got to the ground and left through the south exit, went out to Hampton Street and went home.
- Gilda S. Bellobuono, 86, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, died Friday, August 12, 2016 after a short illness. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Schimmel, Alfred E.; 48 Avondale Rd, Manchester
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Schimmel, Heidi (4); 48 Avondale Rd, Manchester
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- Still remained at Hartford Hospital, Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $8,100 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Schlank, Iris (11)
- Schlank is probably adult married name?
- Went to circus with mother, brother, and cousins (married couple). All survived.CFR
Schoen, Mrs. Ethel (38); Colonial (or Colony) St, Hartford
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with ankle injury, Friday night 7/7/44.THC
- Remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $9,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
- Ethel (Schwartz) Schoen, circus fire survivor, died December 12, 1997. [obituary]
Schoen, Gilbert (14)
- Attended the circus with his mother and three other children including his sister Elissa Schoen. Gilbert was able to assist his mother from the folding chairs and they all reached the top of the seats and jumped to safety. Gilbert was uninjured.
Schoen, Elissa (6)
- (now Elissa Schoen Donn)
- Attended the circus with her mother and three other children, including her brother Gilbert. The group went to the top of the seats and jumped to safety. Elissa suffered minor burns on her back, was treated at St. Francis Hospital and released. She received $500 in compensation for her injuries.
Schuetz, Laura J.
- Was awarded $500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Schultz, Carl W. (adult), Middletown
- Attended the circus with his sister, Aileen (Schultz) Gallagher and her husband and son. All in the group escaped safely. Read the Gallagher family story here: Personal Accounts Page 7.
Scully, Peggy
- Nurse at St. Francis Hospital, shown in photo with patients Jackie and Mrs. Czertak.
Seborn, Elissa (minor); 44 Colonial St, Hartford
- Was awarded $500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Sellers, Jean (15); Palisade Ave, Windsor
- Jean jumped from the top row of seats to escape the burning big top and fractured her 5th lumbar vertebra which required her to be fitted with a hyperextension jacket from her neck to her pelvis. She was awarded $3,500 by the arbitration board for her injuries.
- Jean was a patient at Hartford Hospital with fractured vertebrae and a sprained wrist; she is the daughter of Mrs. Charles Sellers, director of Chaffee School.THC
- Still remained at Hartford Hospital, Monday, July 11.THC
Sestero, Mrs. Norman; Glastonbury
- Climbed to safety over an animal cage.THC
Sexton, Ana; 57 Court St, New Britain
- Charles R. Sexton, administrator of the estate of Ana Sexton, 57 Court St, New Britain, was awarded $4,000 by the arbitration board.THC
- [Ana Sexton apparently died prior to the settlement, could her death have been related to inuries from the fire?]
Shailer, Richard (13)
- Sat high up in the bleachers with his mother, aunt, sister and a neighbor's child. Their seats were on the side where the fire began,somewhere between the origin point and the band. They all held hands and made their way to the ground, they remained calm and got outside, saw confusion and people frantically running around outide.CFM
Shapiro, Mrs. Ruth (38); Brooklyn, NY
- Was awarded $600 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including nervousness and burns on her arm and scalp.
Shaw, Mrs. Sophie; Newington
- Was awarded $2,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Shaw, Wilbert D.; Newington
- Wilbert D. Shaw, Newington, was awarded $1,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Sherman, Betty (child); Glastonbury
- Went to circus with friend Sandra Johnson, and both survived.CFM
Shurtleff, Agnes (adult); Garden Street, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her nephew Jerry Richter. They sat half-way up the bleachers by the main entrance and ran out of the big top when they noticed the smoke.
- Read Jerry's story here: Personal Accounts Page 9
Sicilia, Alexander (14)
- Attended the circus with his sister Dolores and their mother Caroline Sicilia, all of them survived.
- Mr. Alexander Rudolph Sicilia passed away at age 88 on October 14, 2018 in Montclair, California. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Sicilia, Caroline C. (adult)
- Attended the circus with her son Alexander and daughter Dolores, all of them survived.
Sicilia, Dolores (12)
- Attended the circus with her brother Alexander and their mother Caroline Sicilia, all of them survived.
- Married name Dolores Sicilia DiFazio.
Sieracki, Catriona
- Tells her story in this 2012 Baraboo News Republic article. [back-up file]
Sigal, Irene Frances (14); Hartford
- Went to the circus with her brother, Stanley Sigal, and both escaped uninjured. Passed away 2007.
Sigal, Stanley (approx. 8); Hartford
- Went to the circus with his sister, Irene Frances Sigal, and both escaped uninjured. Passed away 2010.
Slavin, Mrs. Jane Griffin (35); 127 Newbury St, Hartford
- Was awarded $12,907.60 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
- Had been at home since the fire, moved to Hartford Hospital Tuesday, July 12, upon doctor recommendation.THC
Slavin, Karin Ann (10); 127 Newbury St, Hartford
- Now known as Karin Reath. Had been at home since the fire, moved to Hartford Hospital Tuesday, July 12, upon doctor recommendation.THC
- Was awarded $3,300 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Slopek, Pauline (6); Middletown
- Tells her story in this MetroWest Daily News article. [back-up file]
Smith, Barbara Ann (12); 6 McDonough Place, Middletown
- Awarded $50,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including 2nd and 3rd degree burns, permanent scars, and limited use of her arms.
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/10/44, critical condition.THC
- Barbara was seriously burned and remained at Municipal Hospital for several months.THC
Smith, Charlotte Ann (minor); 39 Belden St, Hartford
- Was awarded $500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Smith, Doris (child)
- Attended with circus with her cousin Catherine Rogers, and aunt and uncle Katherine and Harold Rogers, and they all escaped. Read Catherine Rogers' account of the day here: Personal Accounts - Page 9.
Smith, Mrs. Edith (28); 491 Hudson St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her son, Joseph, and daughter, Judith.
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- Still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $10,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC

Smith, Elliott A. (9); Tankeroosan Rd, Vernon
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/10/44, critical condition.THC
- Was awarded $30,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire. Elliott was burned on the lower back and thighs.THC
- Mr. Smith is interviewed in the documentary film Disasters of the Century: When Laughter Turns to Tears.
Smith, Mrs. Grace E.; Tankeroosan Rd, Vernon
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/10/44, critical condition.THC
- Was awarded $18,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Smith, Helen E.; 39 Belden St, Hartford
- Was awarded $7,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Smith, Joseph (9); Mansfield St, Hartford
- Went to circus with friends Bill and Jerry Clifford, Mike Holmes, and Ray Burns. All of the boys survived with no injuries.CFR
Smith, Joseph (6); 491 Hudson St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with his mother Mrs. Edith Smith and his sister, Judith. Joseph escaped without any injuries.
Smith, Judith (4); 491 Hudson St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her mother, Mrs. Edith Smith, and her brother, Joseph.
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- Was awarded $1,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Smith, Luther Jr. (8); Bellevue Square, Hartford
- Attended the circus with his mother, Mrs. Patrica Smith; Mrs. Mabel Epps and her sons William and Richard; and Maurice Goff and her daughter Muriel. Muriel and Maurice would perish in the fire, the others in the party would survive.AA
Smith, Mrs. Mae C.; Middletown
- Was awarded $13,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire. Mrs. Smith was seriously burned and remained at Municipal Hospital for several months.THC
Smith, Mary Kay (7); 4 McDunna Place, Middletown
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/10/44, critical condition.THC
- Was awarded $40,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire. Mary was seriously burned and remained at Municipal Hospital for several months.THC
Smith, Norman "Skippy" Thomas (15); Hartford
- Norman went to the circus with a neighbor and her son. He survived the fire with no injuries. Norman helped save a child by handing the boy down to his mother from the top of the bleachers.
- Mr. Smith passed away April 2, 2010, at age 81. LINK to Mr. Smith's obituary.
Smith, Mrs. Patrica; Bellevue Square, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her son, Luther Smith Jr.; Mrs. Mabel Epps and her sons William and Richard; and Maurice Goff and her daughter Muriel. Muriel and Maurice would perish in the fire, the others in the party would survive. Mrs. Smith helped the pregnant Mrs. Mabel Epps get out of the tent without being trampled.AA
- Was awarded $3,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Smith, Mrs. W. E. (adult); Middletown
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/10/44, critical condition.THC
Snelgrove, Shirley Mae (13); 8 Usher Ave, Plainville
- Shirley, who turned 13 in the hospital on July 7, 1944, was taken to Municipal Hospital immediately after the fire, then transferred to Hartford Hospital on July 8th, where she would remain for two months. She was awarded $25,000 for the injuries that she received in the fire, which included 2nd and 3rd degree burns to both arms from her fingers to her shoulders, her back, and her legs. Shirley also suffered from shock, postural change due to burns and scars, mental depression, hysteria, inferiority complex, self-consciousness of her disfigurement, and permanent scars on her back, shoulders, arms and legs. Her family doctor noted that she was "a snappy, happy-go-lucky child, with practically a continuous smile" before the fire, and in the months following the fire "she rarely has a smile, appears very sad, quiet and remorse, in a fog. She talks very little, sleeps poorly, hates crowds, walks with drooped and rounded shoulders and carries her arms as it they were heavy and holds them out as if they were still bandaged."
- Shared a room with Marion Dineen at Municipal Hospital with burns on her arms, legs and back.THC
- The Snelgrove family was celebrating daughter Shirley's birthday by attending the circus. They sat opposite from where the fire started and went to the top of the bleachers when they saw the fire, but lost their nerve to jump. They headed for the main entrance, and became separated when Shirley wasn't able to follow her parents over the animal cages. Shirley returned to the top of the bleachers, jumped, and was dragged out from under the tent alive. Shirley's parents Olive and Edwin died under the tent.THC
- Shirley Mae (Snelgrove) Currie, 86, passed away peacefully on Sunday, September 17, 2017 at South County Hospital in Wakefield, RI. [obituary / back-up link]
Snow, Nancy (youth)
- Attended circus with friend Mary O'Connell and Mary's parents; all escaped unharmed. (from Mary's obituary)
Snuck, Anthony (54); 80 John St, Hartford
- Was awarded $5,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including contusion of the right ribs, sacro illiac sprain, contusions and sprain of right shoulder blade, contusions and lacerations to body, and nervous shock.
Snyer, Mrs.Ethel
- Attended the circus with two nieces; Mrs. Lillian Bond and her son Charlie; Mrs. Helen Niemczyk and her son John; and Mrs. Katherine Wodecki and her daughter Kay. They sat in the southwest bleachers and all escaped safely.
Sokolowski, Carl J. (14); Plantsville
- Carl, his parents, and brother survived the circus fire.
- Carl J. Sokolowski died December 6, 2018. Link to obituary / Back-up link.
Songailo, Edward Robert "Bobby" (4); Manchester
Songailo, Mrs. Sylvia (Waichen) (25); Manchester
Songailo, Mrs. Sylvia (Waichen) (25); Manchester
- Syvlia and her son Bobby attended the circus with Sylvia's sister, Miss Helen “Nellie” Waichen, and their mother Anna Waichen. They all met at a bus stop in Hartford and went to the circus in Nellie’s car. Sylvia and Bobby sat near the exit; when Sylvia saw the fire, the two of them ran out. Nellie and Anna sat near the front, and as they were making their way to the exit, Nellie lost her grip on her mother’s hand and lost her in the crowd.
- Edward Robert Songailo died December 2007, age 68.
- Sylvia Anne (Waichen) Bean, 96, of Vernon, died on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at Rockville Hospital. Link to obituary / Back up link
Sosin, Gertrude "Goldie" (12); Hartford
- Went to the circus with a 10-yer-old cousin and they both got out.CFM
- Gertrude “Goldie” (Sosin) Luftglas passed away October 20th, 2017 after a short illness. [obituary]
Spada, Nancy (8);
- Miss Spada went to the circus with her mother, father, and siblings, and the family sat at the top of the bleachers. They first saw a small ball of fire to their left, so Nancy's father slid down the tent pole and her mother tossed each child down, and they all got out. Nancy's father went back into the inferno to rescue others. Before the fire, Nancy's aunt and cousin, Gladys and Gail Barry, had been looking for seats near the Spada family but there were none available, so they made the fatal decision to sit near the animal runway.
Spatcher, Barbara M. (Kruzik); Simsbury
- Survived the circus fire with her son William and husband David. Another son, David J. Spatcher, Jr., was killed the same week as the circus fire while serving with the U.S. Army Air Force in WWII, Pacific theater.
Spatcher, David J.; Simsbury
- Survived the circus fire with his son William and wife Barbara. Another son, David J. Spatcher, Jr., was killed the same week as the circus fire while serving with the U.S. Army Air Force in WWII, Pacific theater.
Spatcher, William "Bill" James (15); Simsbury
- Bill and his parents were grateful to survive the Hartford Circus Fire in 1944, the same week that his brother David J. Spatcher, Jr., was killed while serving with the U.S. Army Air Force in WWII, Pacific theater. William Spatcher died December 12, 2012.
Sprenkle, Peter McKee (7); Andover
- Survived the circus fire.
- Peter McKee Sprenkle, 84, died June 11, 2021 of myelofibrosis. Link to obituary / Back-up link
Stack, Mrs. Eugenia (34); 43 May St, Hartford
- Was awarded $6,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including contusions and sprain to her back, feet, ankle and left hand.
Stannard, Mrs. Helen (36); 860 Main St, East Hartford
- Was awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including multiple contusions and abrasions, and second degree burns on her left elbow.
Stannard, Shirley (14); 659 East Main St, Middletown
- Was awarded $400 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including first and second degree burns on her back and upper arms. Shirley was trampled on and received bruises on her legs and body, and suffered from nervous shock.
Staples, Mrs. Mable (67); 30/32 Hart Place, Keene, NH
- Attended the circus with her cousin Mrs. Sarah Sampson and Mrs. Sampson's employer, Mr. Harry Stone, with whom Mrs. Staples was visiting.
- Awarded $3,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including severe bruises on legs and body.
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
Stavola, Mrs. Minnie (55); 72 Cromwell St, Hartford
- Was awarded $2,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including pain in her back and shoulders, sprained left ankle, pain in right ankle and all over her body, and a nervous, choking feeling.
Steinberg, Mrs. Anne (26); 104 Ellington St, Hartford
- Was awarded $2,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including a severe laceration on her left leg, a ragged three inch rip that was widely separated, badly contaminated, and bleeding freely.
- Anne (Scavetta) Steinberg, 92, passed away on August 29, 2010. As a very young mother she was able to survive the Hartford circus fire.THC
Stempnitsky, Maurice (child); Hartford
- Maurice invited his friend Alvin Kotler to attend the circus with him. Maurice's father had been given free passes in exchange for displaying a circus advertisement sign in his package store on Park Street. The boys sat at the top of the bleachers, and escaped by jumping down and exiting through the space between the animal runway and the canvas sidewall.CFM
Stephens, Willie F.; 1734 Main St, Hartford
- Was awarded $1,800 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Stewart, John B. Jr. (14), Hartford
- John was working at the circus grounds when the big top erupted, and he helped some people to safety. He would join the Hartford Fire Department eight years later and serve for 40 years, including 12 years as chief. Mr. Stewart died October 18, 2015. Link to Hartford Courant story. [back-up link]
Stewart, Regina (53); Amarillo, TX
- Was visiting her pregnant daughter, Marian Heath, in Hartford. Went to circus alone since her daughter was close to giving birth and her son-in-law was at work. Regina's journal entry for the day: "July 6, 1944 Thurs: Hartford- Ringling Circus fire. Shopped in a.m. for Marian. Went to circus. First act was over at 2:45-Fire broke out not far from me. I was 4 rows down from top-in grandstand. We all surged away from the fire. An overturned chair got caught on my l[eft] leg. I finally got it off. A man helped me jump off the edge of seats. Got over a fence into a veg. garden. Called Marian. Got home about 3 hrs. later. Over 160 killed, 250 injured."
Stone, Harry; 280 West Washington St., Bristol
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- Still remained at Hartford Hospital, Monday, July 11.THC
- Attended the circus with his housekeeper, Mrs. Nellie Sampson. Both are patients at Hartford Hospital. It was reported that the latter was badly burned. Mrs. Sampson's cousin, Mrs. Mable Staples, was also injured in the fire.
- Mr. Stone's daughter reports that Harry Stone had been burned about the head and shoulders and that the hospital authorities considered his condition as very good.
- The estate of Harry L. Stone, 280 Washington St, Forestville, was awarded $7,500 by the arbitration board.THC
- [Harry L. Stone apparently died prior to the settlement, could his death have been related to injuries from the fire?]
Storey, Wilson (40); Sarasota, FL
- Circus worker, employed by Alfred Court as officer/secretary of the Court Corp. Mr. Storey trains the animals in Mae Kovar's act, and was near the northwest animal runway when the fire began. The animals went quickly through the runway, none were burned and none were fighting. Wilson got the animals on their wagons, concerned about what would happen if they were to get loose, and tried to prevent the fire from reaching the wagons.
Straite, Anthony "Tony" (adult); 28 Arnold St, Hartford
Straite, Thomas (2 1/2)
Straite, Thomas (2 1/2)
- Anthony "Tony" Straite, a Hartford Firefighter (and later became Deputy Fire Chief), took his son Thomas to the circus, and when the fire broke out, he passed his son over a fence to a neighbor and ran back to the tent to help with the rescue efforts. They were reunited later that night. Anthony Straite remained a life-long resident of Hartford until his death in 1995. Thomas would graduate from HPHS in 1960 and briefly taught science at Weaver High School from 1966-68. He is still alive on July 6, 2024, the 80th anniversary of the fire.
Strant, Mrs. Louise (adult); 192 Main St, Manchester
- Was awarded $10,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Streight, Jeannie (adult)
- Jeannie attended circus with her sister-in-law Hazel Doyle, and her nieces Clara and Susan Doyle. Hazel was pregnant and nervous about fires so they sat in the bleachers, which she felt were easier to escape from. Hazel noticed a glowing on the big top sidewall and led her group out the nearest escape. They were among the first to leave.
- Susan Doyle's story can be read here: Personal Accounts Page 9.
Styler, Anne F. (36); 113 Albany Ave, Hartford
- Attended circus with son Steven David Styler. They sat in section D, row 13, seats 7 and 8. Heard someone yell "fire" and looked to the left and up and saw flames 6' from the edge of the tent burning toward the center. Escaped with her son by walking out to the right, through an opening in the sidewall.WS
Styler, Steven David (4 1/2); 113 Albany Ave, Hartford
- Attended circus with his mother, Anne F. Styler. They sat in section D, row 13, seats 7 and 8.WS
Sullivan, Barbara A. (minor); Wapping
- Was awarded $3,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Sullivan, Dennis (5); 45 Irving St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with his parents, Frank and Rose Sullivan, sister Eileen, cousins Jerome Montano and Vincent Testa, aunt Ella Russo and aunt Amy Montano. All but Vincent would survive. Dennis and his father Frank sat apart from the others, and were assisted over the animal chutes on their escape out the rear entrance.PC
- Mr. Sullivan's story can be seen in the 2014 short film Split Second (link)
Sullivan, Eileen (3); 45 Irving St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her parents, Frank and Rose Sullivan, brother Dennis, cousins Jerome and Vincent Testa, aunt Ella Russo and aunt Amy Montano. All but Vincent would survive.PC
Sullivan, Frank (37); 45 Irving St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with his wife Rose, children Dennis and Eileen, Amy and Jerome Montano, Ella Russo, and Vincent Testa. All but Vincent would survive. Frank and his son Dennis sat apart from the others, and were assisted over the animal chutes on their escape out the rear entrance.PC
Sullivan, Rose Lorenzo (40); 45 Irving St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her husband Frank, children Dennis and Eileen, Amy and Jerome Montano, Ella Russo and Vincent Testa. All but Vincent would survive.
Sullivan, Terry Anthony (6); Willington
- Survived the circus fire with his pregnant mother and younger sister. Judge Terence A. Sullivan died on August 18, 2015. [obituary]
Supple, Sarah Agnes "Sally" (28); Hartford
- Miss Supple helped treat burn patients of the Hartford circus fire as a nurse at Municipal Hospital.
- Sarah Agnes “Sally” Supple died Tuesday, (December 5, 2006) in Chester. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Swanson, Mrs. Anne C.; RFD 2, Manchester
- Was awarded $5,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Sussman, Julius (35); Willimantic
- Married man, owns a fuel/oil business. Mr. Sussman jumped from the seats and suffered burns to his arms, contusions, a sprained shoulder, injury to hand, and nervous shock. He was awarded $2,300 for his injuries.
Sweeney, David (13); 27 Grove St., Bristol
- Attended circus, got out safely.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L -M - N - O
P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
TWT: The White Tops magazine
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFM: Circus Fire Memories
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFM: Circus Fire Memories
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant