Survivor List
(last names beginning with "B")
Nearly 7,000 circus fans attended the afternoon show on July 6, 1944, and many were fortunate enough to survive the blaze. Here are the names of some of the survivors, and also the names of those who helped or are otherwise associated with the Hartford Circus Fire, though they may not have been in attendance during the tragic performance.
Names are sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who got married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the each page can also be used to search the entire website for a name or term.
Names are sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who got married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the each page can also be used to search the entire website for a name or term.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L -M - N - O
P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Backhouse, Nanette (Daigle) (26)
- Went to the circus with her brothers, Eugene and John Daigle, and sister Carmella Daigle. They all escaped from the burning big top.
- Nanette (Daigle) Backhouse passed away November 11, 2013.
Backlund, Helen Catherine (16); New Britain
- Miss Backlund worked for SNET (telephone company) as a switchboard operator, and was asked by her supervisor to spend the entire weekend after the circus fire working to ensure as many calls were connected for people trying to find out the fate of their loved ones.
- Helen Catherine Backlund Bidwell, 94, joined her husband in the deep purple mist on April 25, 2023. [LINK to obituary / Back-up LINK ]
Bacon, H.R. (adult)
- HPD officer, attended the circus with his daughter and they sat in Section F, row 7, seats 6 and 7. He saw the fire in the southwest corner, on the canvas roof of the tent, and they exited out the south side.
- Officer Bacon's report.
Baggish, Donald (11)
- Attended circus with Rose Maimore and Rose Pantano, and also with his friend Charles Nelson Reilly. They escaped by sliding down to the back of the seats exiting under the tied down canvas (see Carmen DeVito "personal account" on page 5). Donald turned 12 six days after the fire on July 12, 1944, and lives today (2014) in Florida.
- Donald will turn 92 on July 12 - a week from today (2024). He is well and living in Delray Beach, Florida.
Bailardo, Michael (6 1/2); 166 Preston St., Hartford
- Attended the circus with family friend Isabel Montana and an unknown friend of Isabel's. Michael's father was a fireman who helped fight the circus fire.
- Mr. Bailardo tells his story to the Hartford Courant in this 2019 article, with photos and audio.
Bailey, James V.; P.F.C., 121st, Air Corps, “C”, Bradley Field
- Attended the circus with a group of convalescing soldiers from Bradley Field in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. The group sat in Reserved Section A, first and second rows. At the conclusion of the animal act, they heard a cry of “FIRE” from behind them and to their left; they looked back and saw fire where the sidewall meets the roof canvas. When the fire began to spread rapidly, the group hurried out of the big top.
Balanger, May L. (13); 71 Sigourney St, Hartford
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Balzer, Helmuth C. (79); 183 Cook Ave, Meriden
- Attended the circus with Mrs. Louise E. Morse. They entered the main entrance, turned right and bought reserved seats in the second section past the bleachers (section 'B'), 6 rows up on the right side, about even with the ring. Dr. Blazer's attention was drawn to his left where he saw an 8' to 10' flame between the tent top and the sidewall, about 30 feet away from his seat. Someone shouted "Fire!" and Dr. Balzer and Mrs. Morse began to leave, exiting under a canvas that was being held up. Dr. Balzer was treated for burns and released from a hospital in Meriden, and later awarded $8,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.
Barberi, Fred (2), 9 Church St; Windsor Locks
- Attended circus with his mother Mary Barberi, his aunt Victoria Cagianello, and cousins Grace and Victoria Cagianello and Albert Casale. They sat in the Southwest bleachers and all of them escaped safely.
Barberi, Mary (27), 9 Church St; Windsor Locks
- Attended the circus with her son Fred, her sister Mrs. Victoria Cagianello, Victoria's daughters Grace and Victoria, and nephew Albert Casale. They sat in the bleachers, just inside the main entrance and to the right. Their seats were in the second and third rows, next to the ext by Section A. When Mary's sister saw the fire above them and spreading rapidly, she said "Let's get out of here!" and grabbed her daughters. Mary grabbed her son and they all proceeded to the ground and were headed for the exit but they were pushed by the crowd; Mary and her son went out the Main Entrance while Victoria and her girls went out an exit on the North side. All of them got out safely and reunited on Barbour Street.
- Mary A. (Molonski) Barberi, 100, of Windsor Locks, loving wife of the late John F. Barberi entered into Eternal Rest on Wednesday, October 11, 2017. [obituary]
Barker, Jean (about 14)
- Attended circus with Mildred Helm. They originally sat near the animal chutes then decided to move near the entrance for a better view. Both escaped.
Barnard, Mrs. Mary M. (28); 128 Jerome Ave, Hartford or Bloomfield
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with burns on arms, Friday night 7/7/44.THC
- Was awarded $12,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC

Barnes, Georgianna (child); Canton
- Attended the circus with her mother, Mrs. Helen Barnes, a sibling, and friend Marilyn Johnson and Marliyn’s aunt Thyra Smith. The two women sat at the top of the bleachers, allowing the three children to sit together in the front row. When the fire broke out to their left, the three children ran almost the entire length of the tent before escaping through a slit someone made with a jackknife. They ran to the car and waited for Thyra and Mrs. Barnes, and when the women did not show up, the children looked for a telephone to call for help. Refused at the first house because the owner demanded payment to use the phone, they went to the next house and used theirs. The children escaped without injuries; Mrs. Barnes was critically burned but survived, and Thyra Smith would be found among the dead on scene.
Barnes, Mrs. Helen (36); Canton
- Attended the circus with her daughter, Georgianna Barnes, another one of her children, and friend Mrs. Thyra Smith and Thyra’s niece Marilyn Johnson. The two women sat at the top of the bleachers, allowing the three children to sit together in the front row. When the fire broke out to their left, the three children ran almost the entire length of the tent before escaping through a slit someone made with a jackknife. The children escaped without injuries; Helen Barnes was critically burned but survived, and Thyra Smith would be found among the dead on scene.
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/7/44.
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/10/44, critical condition.
- Mrs. Helen E. (Richardson) Barnes died August 30, 2002 at age 94. [obituary]
Barraly, Harold V. ; Staff Sgt., Sec. “B” 121st, A.A.A. Base Unit, Bradley Field
- Attended the circus with a group of convalescing soldiers from Bradley Field in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. The group sat in Reserved Section A, first and second rows. At the conclusion of the animal act, they heard a cry of “FIRE” from behind them and to their left; they looked back and saw fire where the sidewall meets the roof canvas. When the fire began to spread rapidly, the group hurried out of the big top. Barraly assembled the group outside after the fire.
Barrows, Dolores J. (14); 24 Linden St, East Hartford
- Attended the circus with her brother, James F. Barrows, and Maureen Moriarty, and they sat in the Southwest Bleachers, about 5-feet from the Main Entrance and halfway up the bleachers. During the animal acts, Dolores left her seat and walked to an exit at the far end of the tent to buy a Coke. When she returned to her section, she climbed a few seats and looked up and saw a large fire where the canvas sidewall met the edge of the canvas roof, and it was spreading rapidly. She was pushed along by the crowd and went out the Main Entrance. She pulled a little boy along who she thought was her brother but wasn't; when she tried to go back in for him she was carried out by a circus employee. Dolores met up found her brother and Maureen outside.
- aka Dolores (Barrows) Arsenault. Mistakenly identified as a victim by a neighbor. Went to circus with little brother Jimmy and friend Maureen Moriarty. All survived.CFM
Barrows, James F. "Jimmy" (11); 24 Linden St, East Hartford
- Attended circus with his sister Dolores Barrows and her friend Maureen Moriarty; sat in the Southwest bleachers.
Barsky, Theodore; 44 Barker St, Hartford
- Was awarded $4,250 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bartolone, Rocco (36); 152 Campfield Ave, Hartford
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- Was awarded $1,600 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Baruffi, Fred Jr. (8); New Britain
- Survivor of the circus fire, died December 1, 2012 after a battle with cancer.
Beckwith, Paul
- "Three Hartford detectives, Paul Beckwith, Thomas Barber and Thomas Kershaw, who were near the main entrance, removed ropes used to guide spectators to the reserved seats section and saved scores of people."THC
Beh, Bruce (6)
- Attended circus with Robert Onorato's group; sat in the first row of reserved seating section 'H'.
Bell, H. Waite (51), Hartford
- Volunteer at the Hartford Hospital and drove a hospital ambulance during the disastrous Hartford circus fire in 1944.(from 5/14/1977 obituary)THC
Bell, Mrs. Brainard (adult); Quarry Rd, Glastonbury
- Attended circus with her daughter Shirley Anne Bell and Mrs. S. Florence Lee's group; sat in the Northeast bleachers.
Bell, Shirley Anne (child); Quarry Rd, Glastonbury
- Attended circus with her mother and Mrs. S. Florence Lee's group; sat in the Northeast bleachers.
Bendell, Alice (12); Albany Ave, Hartford
- Attended the circus with two small children, they sat in the first few rows of the bleachers. When the fire began, Alice grabbed the children's hands and quickly exited the tent.
Bengtson, Barbara (9)
Bengtson, Mr. (adult)
- aka Barbara (Bengtson) Brenske.
- Went to the circus with her father, both survived.CFM
- Barbara D. Brenske, 79, a longtime resident of Wethersfield, passed away in Woodstock, Georgia on June 21, 2024. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Bengtson, Mr. (adult)
- Went to the circus with his daughter, Barbara, and both survived.CFM
Berger, Alvin (12)
- Attended the circus with his sister Sheila Berger, and cousins William Cohen and Jerry Brener. The group entered the main entrance and picked seats on the left side of the tent, diagonally across from where the fire broke out. All of them escaped. Read Alvin and Sheila Berger’s stories here: Personal Accounts - Page 7
Berger, Sheila (14)
- Attended the circus with her brother Alvin Berger, and cousins William Cohen and Jerry Brener, and all of them escaped. Read Alvin and Sheila Berger’s stories here: Personal Accounts - Page 7
Bergeron, Ernest (9); 28 Vinehill Rd, Elmwood
- Hartford Police Department's Lt. John Hallissey reported that he found Ernest lost on the circus grounds after the fire and put him in his cruiser, until other help arrived.
Berglund, Mrs. Paul (adult); 27 Walker Lane, East Hartford(?)
- Attended the circus with her son Ragner Berglund and Charles Rundell's group; sat in the Southeast or Northeast bleachers.
Berglund, Ragner (7); 27 Walker Lane, East Hartford(?)
- Attended the circus with his mother and Charles Rundell's group; sat in the Southeast or Northeast bleachers.
Berkowitz, Mrs. Fannie (Nirenstein) (adult); 22 Seyms St, Hartford
- Attended the circus with her daughter Roslyn Berkowitz and nephew Kenneth Nirenstein. All survived, but Fannie was severely burned and hospitalized for several months.
- Was awarded $8,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
- Mrs. Berkowitz's daughter Rosyln wrote an essay about their experience at the fire, which can be read here.
Berkowitz, Roslyn (8)
- Attended the circus with her mother Fannie Berkowitz and cousin Kenneth Nirenstein. All survived, and Roslyn was traumatized but uninjured.
- Rosyln wrote an essay title in 1959 about her experience at the fire, which can be read here.
Berman, Mrs. Esther; 334 Lyme St, Hartford
- Was awarded $4,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bernard, Mrs. Mary (28); 138 Jerome Ave, Bloomfield
- Still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
Berry, Mrs. Alyce F.; 8 Canal St, Plainville
- Awarded $9,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Berman, M. Joel (12); Hartford
- Survived the circus fire. Passed away peacefully on October 4, 2012.
Berry, Dianne A. (minor); 8 Canal St, Plainville
- Awarded $750 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Berry, Judith E. (minor); 8 Canal St, Plainville
- Awarded $1,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bertowitz, Mrs. A. (35); Seyms St, Hartford
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
Berube, Mrs. Esther (36 or 38); 23 Church St, Plainville
- Attended circus with daughter Anne Berube and the Murphy family: Walter, Hortense, Charles and Patricia. Only Esther and Patricia would survive. Esther suffered a broken ankle.PC
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with fractures of legs, Friday night, 7/7/44.THC
- Mrs. Berube is being treated for burns at Municipal Hospital.TBP
- Was awarded $16,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bidwell, Paul Abbe (13); Windsor Locks
Bidwell, Robert S. (51); Windsor Locks
- Robert and his son Paul survived the Hartford circus fire —Robert was said to be livid that his son ran back into the burning tent to retrieve his program.
Bissell, Mrs. Charlotte S. (47); 11 East High St, East Hampton
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- Was awarded $2,800 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire, including burns to her arms, scratches to her legs, and nervous shock.
- Mrs. Bissell was the only East Hampton resident to be injured in the fire. She was burned on both arms, and her right ankle was scratched and bruised when she made her escape from the blazing inferno.
- Attended the circus with her husband, and when the fire broke out they became separated. Both survived. Mrs. Bissell was treated at Municpal Hospital after the fire, and discharged later that night.
Bissell, George (adult); 11 East High St, East Hampton
- Mr. Bissell attended the circus with his wife, and when the fire broke out they became separated. Both would survive.
Blanks, Everett (13)
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Boardman, Dorothy (6); 159 Zion St, Hartford
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, Friday night, 7/7/44, satisfactory condition.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Was awarded $2,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Boardman, Catherine B. (34); 159 Zion St, Hartford
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, Friday night, 7/7/44, satisfactory condition.THC
- Kathyrn Boardman on the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Was awarded $4,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bocek, Dorothy (13); Morris St, Hartford
- (now Dorothy (Bocek) Strzemieczny) Attended circus with her sister Stephanie "Stella" Marcovicz, her nephew Francis Marcovicz, and neighbors Blanche and Seth Grape. Dorothy escaped by jumping down from her seat and getting past some animal cages. Stella and Francis would later be found dead at the circus grounds.
Bogue, Mrs. Frances; 46 Charlotte St, Hartford
- Was awarded $2,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bonaface, Rocco (adult); 272 Garden St, Hartford
- Proprietor of a restaurant on Albany Ave. Attended the circus, sat in reserved seating section 'V', row 16, seat 7. Rocco saw the fire as the animals were leaving the arena, and people began screaming and pushing. He saw the sidewall burn for a minute or two until the roof caught fire it began to spread quickly. Rocco slid down a pole and escaped.
Bond, Lillian (adult); 62 Norwich St, Hartford
Bond, Charlie (4 1/2); 62 Norwich St, Hartford
Bond, Charlie (4 1/2); 62 Norwich St, Hartford
- Mrs. Lillian Bond attended the circus with her son Charlie (4 1/2); Mrs. Helen Niemczyk and her son John (3); Mrs. Katherine Wodecki and her daughter Kay (2 1/2); and Mrs. Ethel Snyer. Lillian got to the grounds at 12:30 and bought bleacher seat tickets. They were let into the big top at 1:15 and went to the right and all the way down to the bleachers on the right side next to the bandstand. When Mrs. Niemczyk first yelled "Fire!", Lillian paid no attention until she said it again. Lillian looked left and saw flames, then it seemed everyone started running. She got up with her son to exit the tent and he was knocked down, and when she bent over to pick him up she was knocked down on top of him. She picked him up and ran out of the tent through a narrow exit, had to duck under ropes. Exited the big top by the Coca Cola tent, continued into the woods and out to the street.
Bonvino, Doris Joyce (7); Middletown
- Doris was a survivor of the 1944 Hartford Circus fire.
- Doris Joyce (Bonvino) Dooley, 84, passed peacefully on January 15, 2021 due to complications from COVID and after a five year battle with Alzehiemers. [LINK to obituary / Back-up LINK]
Bory, Mrs. Molly (47); 551 Park St, Hartford
- Mrs. Borry jumped and struck her head on an iron pole, then she was stepped on by other people trying to escape the fire. She passed out, and was lying in some bushes when she came to. Molly was awarded $8,500 by the arbitration board for her injuries, including contusions and lacerations to her head, eyes, arms and legs, and nervousness.
Bottero, Anna (13); 38 Center St., Hartford
- Provided a witness statement, seated in bleachers on right side.
Bourdon, Sylvia (adult)
- Went to the circus with her son (6), daughter (4) and a friend's daughter (6). A man helped them all jump from the top row of seats.CFM
Bowman, Mrs. (adult); West Hartford, CT
- Went to the circus with a group of children from Children's Village in West Hartford. All survived.CFR
Boyce, Mrs. Norman; Windsor
- Red Cross Motor Corps lieutenant accompanied 21 soldiers from Bradley Field to the circus. Hurried the soldiers from the bleachers as soon as the fire broke out, then returned to assist what children they could. Charles Weidman of Pittsburgh was one of the soldiers in this group.
Boyer, Albert J. (6 or 7); 131 (or 137) George St, Hartford and/or 23 Chapin Ave, Rocky Hill
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, Friday night, 7/7/44.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Was awarded $4,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Boyer, Mrs. Celina; 23 Chapin Ave, Rocky Hill
- Was awarded $4,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Boyer, Elmer J.; 23 Chapin Ave, Rocky Hill
- Was awarded $4,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bradley (?), Dolly (adult); Bridgeport (?)
- Attended the circus with her son (unknown name) and friends Dr. Lawrence and Gladys Mucci and their son Larry. Dr. Mucci calmly guided the group to the opposite end of the tent to a clear exit.
Bradley, girl (child); Simsbury
- Went to the circus with her sister Helen and their parents Frank and Helen Bradley. The parents died, while both girls survived with physical and emotional scars.CFM
- Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bradley attended the circus with their two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley died when reentering the burning tent to search for their daughters. Both daughters survived.FBM
- Mr. Bradley was a Simsbury firefighter, and the Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company hosts a memorial website for him, including information about his wife and daughters.
Bradley, Helen (13); Simsbury
- aka Helen Bradley Wright. Went to the circus with her sister and their parents Frank and Helen Bradley. The parents died, while both girls survived with physical and emotional scars.CFM
- Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bradley attended the circus with their two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley died when reentering the burning tent to search for their daughters. Both daughters survived.FBM
- Mr. Bradley was a Simsbury firefighter, and the Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company hosts a memorial website for him, including information about his wife and daughters.
Bradley, Irene (18); Fairview St, Simsbury
- Probably the sister of Helen Bradley / daughter of victims Frank and Helen Bradley.
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
Bradley, Irene (15); Syracuse St, Simsbury
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, Friday night, 7/7/44, fair condition.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
Bradley (?), unknown (child); Bridgeport (?)
- Attended the circus with his mother Dolly and friends Dr. Lawrence and Gladys Mucci and their son Larry. Dr. Mucci calmly guided the group to the opposite end of the tent to a clear exit.
Brahen, Harry (12); 71 Brandfield St, Hartford
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Brannon (or Branon), David (4); 25 River Road, Wethersfield (or Main St, Wethersfield)
- David Branon, age 3, admitted to Hartford Hospital with injuries.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, Friday night, 7/7/44, satisfactory condition.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
Brannon (or Branon), Gladys (33); 25 River Road, Wethersfield (or Main St, Wethersfield)
- Mrs. A.W. Branon, admitted to Hartford Hospital with injuries.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, Friday night, 7/7/44, satisfactory condition.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
Bremande, Christine Anne; Hartford
- Was awarded $1,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bremande, Gloria; Hartford
- Was awarded $150 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Brener, Jerry (4)
- Attended the circus with cousins Alvin and Sheila Berger and William Cohen, and all of them escaped. Read Alvin and Sheila Berger’s stories here: Personal Accounts - Page 7
Brighenti, Mrs. Clara (65); 63 Park St or 63 Clark St, New Britain or 163 Clark St, Hartford
- On injured list at St. Francis hospital with burns, Friday night, 7/7/44.THC
- Still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $2,200 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Brisson, Ed (11); Euclid St, Hartford
- Went to circus with his friend Bob McKay, they walked there from their homes. The boys had bleacher seats on the East side, and they sneaked into the reserved seats but were caught and sent back to the bleachers.CFM
Bristol, Mrs. Ethel J.; Eagleville, Mansfield
- Was awarded $3,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Bristol, Joan Louise (child)
- Attended circus with her grandparents Louise and Albert Viering. They all sat in Section B, and when they saw the tent burning they jumped the railing onto the Hippodrome track and exited out the east end of the big top.
Bristol, Warren J.; Eagleville, Mansfield
- Was awarded $1,900 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Brizes, Bernice (33); Hartford
- Attended the circus with her daughters Maxine and Bernice "Bunny", and also her son Clarence "Aubrey" Townsend, who sat in a different section. Bernice went down the bleachers and exited the tent with her daughters and the crowd. After the fire, Bernice let the police use her automobile to help bring the injured to the hospital.
Brizes, Bernice "Bunny" (12); Hartford
- Attended the circus with her mother Bernice and sister Maxine, all escaped without injuries.
Brizes, Maxine (5); Hartford
- Attended the circus with her mother Bernice and sister Bunny, all escaped without injuries.
Brodsky, Henry (7); Martin St, Hartford
- Went to circus with his sister Phyllis, but were denied entrance due to not having the proper tickets.CFR
Brodsky, Phyllis (15); Martin St, Hartford
- aka Phyllis (Brodsky) Germain. Went to circus with her little brother Henry, but were denied entrance due to not having the proper tickets.CFR
Brooke, Clinton Dennison (4); Middle Haddam
- Attended the circus with his mother, Mary Clinton Spencer Brooke, and an unnamed neighbor's child. All would survive.
Brooke, Mary Clinton Spencer (about 32); Middle Haddam
- Attended the circus with her son, Clinton Dennison Brooke, and an unnamed neighbor's child. All would survive.
Brookman, Edward (minor); 37 Loomis Ave, Windsor
- Was awarded $4,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Brookman, Mrs. Grace; 37 Loomis Ave, Windsor
- Was awarded $12,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Brown, Anna Reducker (42); 62 Glastonbury Ave, Rocky Hill
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/10/44.THC
- Fractured a leg at the scene of the fire and is confined to Hartford Hospital.THC
- Was awarded $5,000 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Brown, Caroline Mae (7); 143 Cannon Rd, East Hartford
- Attended the circus with her mother, Hulda Grant; her mother's friend Frank Golotto; and a neighbor's son, Donald Gale, and they all sat together. When the big top began burning, Mr. Golotto took Caroline and Donald to safety. Donald was seriously burned, Hulda was fatally injured, and Frank and Caroline were relatively uninjured.
Brown, Joseph A. (14); Ashford
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Bryant, Frederick (5 1/2); 379 Hillside Ave, Hartford
- On the Injured List at Municipal Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
Buccheri, Genevieve; Hartford
- Was awarded $850 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Burgher, Cynthia (7); 176 Warrenton Ave, Hartford
- Went to circus with her mother, Dorothy Burgher, and sat one row from the top in the reserved seating section. When the fire started, Cynthia was tossed by her mother down to some men on the ground, then she jumped.
Burgher, Dorothy Hilton (24); 176 Warrenton Ave, Hartford
- Went to circus with her daughter Cynthia, sat one row from the top in the reserved seating section. When the fire started, Dorothy tossed her daughter down to some men on the ground, then she jumped. She landed on her feet, sprained her ankle, and fell backward and injured her back and coccyx, and her head struck an object. Mrs. Hilton was awarded $3,500 by the arbitration board for her injuries.
Burke, Diane (6); Rockville, CT
- Diane (Burke) Wood, attended circus with her mother Helen Burke, and her mother's friend and her two boys. All would survive.
Burke, Helen (adult); Rockville, CT
- Attended the circus with her daughter, Diane, and with a friend and her two boys. All would survive.
Burke, Jeanette C. (11); Charter Oak Terrace, Hartford
- (now Jeanette Hughes) Attended circus with siblings Joanne Burke and Leonard F. Burke and neighbor Ethel Akin. All four escaped through the tent sidewall unharmed, except for nightmares. Jeanette's story can be read here: After 70 Years: Vivid Memories of the Circus Fire on July 6, 1944.
Burke, Joanne (10); Charter Oak Terrace, Hartford
- (now Joanne Goodnow) Attended circus with siblings Jeanette C. Burke and Leonard F. Burke and neighbor Ethel Akin. All four escaped through the tent sidewall unharmed, except for nightmares. Joanne is mentioned in her sister Jeanette's story, which can be read here: After 70 Years: Vivid Memories of the Circus Fire on July 6, 1944.
Burke, John (adult); Rocky Hill
- John took his son Ronnie to the circus, and shortly after the show began he saw a bright flare near the main entrance turn into a ball of flames. He scooped up Ronnie, couldn't find an exit, then a clown led them to a slice in the canvas through which they escaped. John's sister Dorothy Kuhnly also went to the circus and was killed, along with her daughter Georgianna.
- Newspaper story by John Burke's daughter Jan (Burke) Wenzel can be viewed HERE. [back-up link]
- John died in 1984.CFM
Burke, Leonard (7); Charter Oak Terrace, Hartford
- Attended circus with sisters Jeanette C. Burke and Joanne Burke and neighbor Ethel Akin. All four escaped through the tent sidewall unharmed, except for nightmares. Mr. Burke passed away in 2013. Leonard is mentioned in his sister Jeanette's story, which can be read here: After 70 Years: Vivid Memories of the Circus Fire on July 6, 1944.
Burke, Ronnie (5); Rocky Hill
- Ronnie went to the circus with his father, John Burke, who saw a ball of flames near the main entrance and scooped up Ronnie. A clown led them to a slice in the canvas through which they escaped. Ronnie's aunt Dorothy Kuhnly also went to the circus and was killed, along with her daughter Georgianna.
- Newspaper story by Ronnie Burke's sister Jan (Burke) Wenzel can be viewed HERE. [back-up link]
- Ronnie's mother stayed home with Ronnie's sister, who turned 1 on the day of the fire.CFM
Burns, Mr. (adult)
- Went to the circus with his daughter and son, Timothy M. Burns. All survived.CFM
Burns, Ray (10); Hartford
- Went to circus with friends Bill and Jerry Clifford, Mike Holmes, and Joseph Smith. All of the boys survived with no injuries.CFR
Burns, Timothy M. (7)
- Went to the circus with his sister and their father. All of them survived.CFM
Burns, unknown girl (4)
- Went to the circus with her brother, Timothy M. Burns, and their father. All survived.CFM
Burr, Patricia; Hartford
- (now Patricia F. Dolecki) Attended circus with a group of children from The Children's Village on Albany Avenue in Hartford. Patricia remembers the fire started to the right of the bleachers where her group was sitting. They had to jump from the bleachers to get out, and noone in the group was injured.

Bushnell, Elizabeth (adult); Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
Bushnell, Frank (7); Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
Bushnell, James (child); Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
Bushnell, Ralph William "Billy" (5); Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Charles, Cora, Elizabeth, Mary and Nellie Wallace, and Ralph, Frank and James Bushnell. All nine in the party survived.
Bushnell, Frank (7); Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Charles, Cora, Elizabeth, Mary and Nellie Wallace, and Elizabeth, Ralph and James Bushnell. All nine in the party survived. Frank ran from his mother when the fire started, and was later found sitting on the porch with a young girl who took him to her house.
Bushnell, James (child); Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Charles, Cora, Elizabeth, Mary and Nellie Wallace, and Elizabeth, Ralph, and Frank Bushnell. All nine in the party survived. James married Mary Wallace 17 years after the fire. See Mary Wallace Bushnell's story on Personal Accounts Page 2.
Bushnell, Ralph William "Billy" (5); Storrs/Mansfield, Connecticut
- Attended the circus with Charles, Cora, Elizabeth, Mary and Nellie Wallace, and Elizabeth, Frank and James Bushnell. All nine in the party survived. Billy was found several hours after the fire at the Brown School. His father Ralph had searched the morgue for his son but thankfully did not find a match.
Bushnell, Mary; Saybrook
- On the Injured List at Hartford Hospital, 7/7/44.THC
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L -M - N - O
P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
TWT: The White Tops magazine
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant