Survivor List
(last names beginning with "V")
Thousands of circus fans attended the afternoon show on July 6, 1944, and many were fortunate enough to survive the blaze. Here are the names of some of the survivors, also including names of persons who helped or are otherwise associated with the Hartford circus fire.
Names sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the page can also be used to search the entire website for a specific name or term.
Names sorted by "last name first"; in cases of women who married after the circus fire, their name in 1944 is used when known. The search function at the top of the page can also be used to search the entire website for a specific name or term.
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Venberg, Barbara (12); New Britain, Conn.
- a.k.a. Barbara (Venberg) Clayton.
- Attended the circus with her sister Eleanor, their mother Evelyn Venberg, cousin Rayond Venberg and aunt Anna Venberg. All of them would escape except Anna, who died at the scene.
Venberg, Eleanor (10); New Britain, Conn.
- a.k.a. Eleanor (Venberg) Vickers.
- Attended the circus with her sister Barbara, mother Evelyn Venberg, cousin Rayond Venberg and aunt Anna Venberg. All of them would escape except Anna, who died at the scene.
Venberg, Evelyn (Lyman) (40); New Britain, Conn.
- Attended the circus with her daughters Barbara and Eleanor, her sister-in-law Anna Venberg, and her nephew Raymond Venberg. All of them would escape except Anna, who died at the scene.
Venberg, Raymond (11); New Britain, Conn.
- Attended the circus with his cousins Eleanor and Barbara Venberg, and his aunts Evelyn and Anna Venberg. All of them would escape except Anna, who died at the scene. Raymond remembered running to the top of the bleachers and sliding down the ropes to escape the burning big top, and the rope burned his hands.
- Raymond M. Venberg passed away unexpectedly on June 15, 2013 in New Britain. [obituary]
Veroff, Paul (15), Hartford
- Attended the circus with his friend Dave Corn and 6 younger children. They all got out safely.
7/11/1944 - HARTFORD, CONN. — Fred Verret is coming along very nicely in St. Francis Hospital, after suffering severe burns on hands, legs, and back in the fire which swept through the main tent of Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey circus last week, killing over 150 people. Those who were injured were taken to St. Francis Hospital where their burns were treated with Boric acid and petroleum solutions. Fred’s mother and aunt perished in the fire in which he received his injuries. (Credit: ACME Newspictures, Inc.)
Verret, Fred R. Jr. (5); 427 Main St, Hartford
- An uncle who worked for the Ringling Bros. gave the family four tickets to the circus, and Fred attended the circus with his 8-year old sister Joan, their mother Ida Verret, and their aunt Myrtle Verret, who was visiting from Pennsylvania. Ida saw the fire and said that she would take Freddy and for Myrtle to take Joan and escape. Fred received serious burns, and from their group, only he and Joan would survive the fire. Joan Verret’s story as told to the (Lakeland) Ledger can be read here. (Back-up file here)
- Fred still remained at St. Francis Hospital Monday, July 11.THC
- Was awarded $12,500 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.THC
Verret, Joan (8), Hartford
- Had just moved to Hartford from Pennsylvania at the end of the school year. An uncle who worked for the Ringling Bros. gave the family four tickets to the circus, and Joan attended the circus with her 5-year old brother Fred, Jr., their mother Ida Verret, and their aunt Myrtle Verret, who was visiting from Pennsylvania. Ida saw the fire and said that she would take Freddy and for Myrtle to take Joan ad escape. Joan held her aunt’s hand until they were separated, then she found her way to an exit by weaving through the crowd. Fred received serious burns, and from their group, only he and Joan would survive the fire. Joan Verret’s story as told to the (Lakeland) Ledger can be read here. (Back-up file here)
Vibberts, Jackie (teenager); Atlanta, GA
- Visiting from Georgia, Jackie went to the circus with "Mazie". Both survived.CFR
Viering, Albert H. (adult); Collinsville
- Worked as superintendent at the Collinsville Water Company. Albert attended circus with his wife Bertha Viering and their granddaughter Joan Louise Bristol, and was approached by a circus usher who offered them seats in Section B for $3.60. They sat about 2/3 of the way up, at the end of the section. Albert heard someone yell "fire!" and turned to his left and saw the fire go up the canvas sidewall and ignite the canvas roof. He walked along the south side of the Hippodrome track with his wife and granddaughter to the far end of the big top where the band was playing and they they walked out the east exit and continued on through the woods. The heat was terrible.
Viering, Mrs. Bertha C. (adult); Collinsville
- Attended the circus with her husband Albert Viering and their granddaughter Joan Louise Bristol, and they sat in Section B. Bertha heard a young lady yell "fire!" and she looked and saw flames on the sidewall just as they reached the edge of the roof. When the roof caught fire, it spread fast. She paused for a moment to determine the safest way out, then held her granddaughter's hand and jumped over the railing onto the track and exited out the east end.
Vignone, Carmela L. (16); 33 Burnham St, Hartford
- Went to the circus with her friend Gilda Schiavone; arrived around 1:15pm, entered the big top at 1:30pm and they were ushered to their seats in section D, at the end of row 11, seats 15 and 16. After the animal act, Gilda said "Look!" but Carmela didn't see anything, so she ran up the steps thinking an animal had gotten loose, and then she saw the fire. The girls got separated; Carmela ran across the reserved seat section and helped a youngster out with her, using the south exit. As she was leaving, the band began to play.
- Carmela "Connie Vignone" L. D'Amato, 86, passed away Sunday, August 3, 2014 at her home surrounded by her loving family. [link to obituary / back-up link]
Viklinetz, Cynthia (4); 35 Florence St, Hartford
- On the "Missing List", Friday, 7/7/44.THC
Vinick, Calvin (14); 87 Pliny St, Hartford
- Helped out with the circus the day before in exchange for free tickets. Went to the circus with a friend, and both survived.CFR
Vitale, Mrs. Beatrice (31); 125 Crown St, Meriden
- Attended the circus with her husband Rudolph, their son Rudolph, Jr. and their daughter Patricia, and they all survived. Mrs. Vitale sustained an injury to her lower left leg with permanent scarring and she wore a back brace for 6 months. She was awarded $1,750 by the arbitration board for injuries received in the fire.
Vitale, Patricia (7); 125 Crown St, Meriden
- Attended the circus with her parents, Beatrice and Rudolph Vitale, and her brother. They all survived, and Patricia's father saved her life.
- aka Patricia Vitale-Thomas
Vitale, Rudolph (35); 125 Crown St, Meriden
- Attended the circus with his wife Beatrice, their son Rudolph, Jr. and their daughter Patricia, and they all survived. Mr. Vitale suffered severe strain of his lower back muscles, extreme nervousness, and severe back pain. He was awarded $850 by the arbitration board for injuries received from the fire.
Vitale, Rudolph Jr. (8); 125 Crown St, Meriden
- Rudolph, Jr. attended the circus with his parents and his sister Patricia, and they all survived. Rudolph, Jr. suffered nervous tension, shock, fright, and inflammation of his eyes leading to ulcerations. He was awarded $750 by the arbitration board for injuries received from the fire.
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TWT: The White Tops magazine
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant
WCF: Women and Children First by Donald H. Roy
CFR: Circus Fire Reminiscences (Manchester Public Library)
MEH: Manchester Evening Herald
TCF: The Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan
UPI: United Press International
SDN: Springfield Daily News
JOWBR: JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
THC: The Hartford Courant